101 Glowing Skin Tips: How to Get Glowing Skin? Beauty Tips for Face

How to Get Glowing Skin and Beauty Tips for Face

101 Glowing Skin Tips: How to Get Glowing Skin? Beauty Tips for Face
Image Source - thisismyurl via pixabay
Who does not want to possess that glowing and beautiful skin which can overpower best of the make up? Do not you? But unfortunately very few of us have that glowing and flawless skin to carry off bare face to the world without layering our face with make up. But you need not worry! There are many homemade remedies for glowing skin that you can try. You can get glowing and radiant skin easily by using some natural ingredients right from your own kitchen larder. Mentioned below are 101 tips for glowing skin that you can use to increase your face beauty. Enjoy these skin glow tips and make your face radiant like never before.

101 Beauty Tips for Glowing Skin - How to Get Glowing Skin and Tips to Improve Face Beauty

Let's begin with our face beauty tips. 

1. Papaya can help you get glowing skin. Just rub ripe papaya on your face for few minutes and let it dry completely. 15 minutes later, wash off with cold water to experience a refreshing glow on your face within short span of time. As we know papaya has many benefits for skin as it is rich in papain, an enzyme which lends amazing luster to your skin, so it could be used for getting glowing skin. 

2. Mix apple juice with honey and apply on your face to get miraculous glow on your face.

3. Another beauty tip is to massage your face with milk cream with few strands of saffron added to it.

This recipe makes your skin irresistibly soft, glowing and fair naturally. See here for more fairness tips

4. You can also use glycerin on face to get glowing skin. Mix glycerin, rose water and lemon juice together and apply on your face and neck at bedtime. Next morning you will feel your skin is looking smoother than before. Use this very helpful home remedy for making your skin glowing and baby soft.

5. Make a face mask at home mixing honey, almond oil and lemon juice to hydrate your skin and improve your skin radiance.

6. Rub grapes on your face to make it vibrant and and glowing. Follow this easy face beauty tip for getting glowing and fresh skin.

7. Like other vegetables and fruits, cucumber also has skin benefits. Mix cucumber juice and curd together and apply to your face. This homemade face mask helps remove all sorts of blemishes from your face making it spotless and glowing on continuous use.

8. Cucumber juice, apple juice and lemon juice mix is a great aid in making your face fair and glowing.

9. Boil orange juice with sugar and let this concoction cool down a bit and  thereafter apply on your face to get incandescent glow on the face.

10. Rubbing tomato on your is a very nice and time-tested home remedy to get glowing skin and shrinking open pores. Opt for oily skin.

11. Applying potato juice on skin has many benefits. Mix potato juice with lemon juice to use a beauty tip for getting glowing skin. 

12. Try a homemade facial mask consisting of sandalwood powder, rose water and turmeric. Apply this mask on your skin  for making it fair and glowing. Very effective face beauty tip for oily skin types.

13. Smear apricot, yogurt and honey face pack on your skin to make it gorgeously beautiful naturally.

14. Soak up poppy seeds and sunflower seeds (chirongi) in milk overnight and apply this mix on the face in the morning after grinding both ingredients together. This beauty tip improves your skin tone as well as skin's texture.

15. Blend together rice powder and milk cream to apply on your skin. This natural homemade facial scrub exfoliates your skin gently to make it gorgeously glowing and supple smooth within minutes.

16. Mash a banana and add some milk to this and apply this mask on your face to get a glowing and smooth face instantly. This homemade facial mask can act as a pre-party glow mask which you can use prior to going to any party.

17. Egg white and milk cream mask works wonders for making your skin youthful and glowing. Nice home remedy for dry skin. We have a list of all the benefits of egg for face that you can check. 

18. Massage your face for 5 minutes with rice flour, honey and egg white mix to make it soft, smooth and beautiful naturally at home. Very helpful face pack for people with dry and sagging skin.

19. Slather your skin with natural face pack consisting of oatmeal powder, egg yolk, honey and milk for 15 minutes. You will be amazed to get baby soft and lovely skin in a jiffy. Apt recipe for dry skin.

20.  Mix together egg white, 4-5 spoons of curd and 1 spoon of honey to apply on your face and neck. Very effective beauty tip for dry skin.

21. 2 spoons of cucumber juice, 2 spoons of  raw milk and few drops of lemon juice combined together makes for a very effective face mask to get glowing skin. Very nice home remedy for girls with oily skin.

22. Apply carrot juice over your face to brighten your complexion naturally. Boys can try this hassle-free beauty tip.

23. Milk cream, olive oil and a pinch of turmeric mixed together makes for wonderful glowing skin face pack for your skin.

24. Just smear grated carrots paste mixed with either curd or olive oil on your face to make it glowing and soft. Good recipe for sensitive skin.

25. Groundnut oil coupled with with fresh  lime juice helps to to cure acne and blackheads as well as making your face glowing and flawless without use of make up.

26. Application of aloe vera juice is a great aid in get rid of facial blemishes and getting glow on the skin naturally. 

27. Mix ghee (clarified butter) and glycerin together to apply on your skin to render immediate boost of moisture and glow to your skin.

28. Try an ayurvedic face pack at home grind marigold flower with raw milk and some honey and apply on your face for 10-15 minutes. Thereafter, wash off with lukewarm water and see how glowing and lovely your face become instantly.

29. Boil lemon grass leaves in water and put this solution in freezer to make lemon grass ice cubes. Rub these ice cubes on your skin to get instant glow. Working women can benefit from this recipe who are time-starved and  need to look  gorgeous instantly. Good homemade beauty tip for combination skin.

30.  Prepare a homemade face mask for glowing skin at home blending  one spoon of curd with one spoon strawberry juice. Dab on your face  20 minutes. Very helpful beauty tip for combination skin.

31. Rub ice cubes on your skin to improve the blood circulation and have a natural flush on your cheeks instantly without make-up. Good home remedy for normal skin.

32. Rubing papaya peels on the face is a helpful natural remedy for getting glowing skin. Those with normal skin can try this recipe daily.

33. Soak up groundnuts in milk overnight and next morning grind them to apply on the face for 20 minutes. Ground nut oil contains natural oils to make your skin soft and smooth.

34. Papaya pulp and lemon juice mixed together makes for a great glowing skin mask for oily skin.

35. Egg white and almonds powder mix aids in making your dry skin hydrated and glowing. In addition, this home remedy helps you get youthful and beautiful skin naturally without use of any make-up.

36. Mash a peach and mix one spoon of brandy to it and apply on your skin to make it wonderfully glowing and supple. If you do not get fresh peach, you can use frozen peaches available in the market for this recipe.

37. Combine raw milk and and almond oil together to apply your skin. Let it mask dry completely and reapply this mask. Repeat this process 4 times and wipe off the face mask with moist cotton pads. This beauty tip is good for dry and mature skin.

38. To get glowing skin at home, try a pumpkin face mask enriched with Vitamin C, A and Zinc. Boil pumpkin and take 2 spoons of pumpkin  puree and 1/4 spoon of milk, one spoon of honey to make a natural face mask. Dab this cooling and soothing mask on your face to get glowing and supple skin naturally.

39. Boil 5 Indian bay leaves (tej patta) in one cup of  distilled water and mix fresh clay paste with this solution to apply on your skin. And wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

40. Mix aloe vera pulp and glycerin to apply on your face. Men can try this face mask post shaving.

41. Multani mitti (fuller's earth), rose water, basil leaves, neem leaves and rose water or lemon water mix is a very effective recipe for making  your skin glowing and fair naturally.

42. You can make a facial mask for glowing skin with one banana, 2 teaspoons of oatmeal powder, a pinch of nutmeg, 2 teaspoons of wheat flour and then apply on your face. 20 minutes later, wash off with cold water.

43. Tomato pulp and honey face mask is a great aid in making your skin fair and glowing naturally.

44. Besan (gram flour), curd and lemon juice face mask is best homemade facial mask you can use on a daily basis to keep your skin fair and glowing.

45. Mix sunflower oil with sugar and rub on your face and body to get a true radiant and clear skin all over.

46. Apply the mix of 2 spoons of soybean flour, one and half spoon of  curd and one spoon of honey on your lackluster and dull skin to brighten it instantly. What is more, this face pack tightens dropping skin too to make it firm and youthful.

47. Soak up flax seeds in water for some time and later grind them to apply on your skin. Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids in abundance which lend youthful exuberance to your skin naturally.

48. Soak up 4 almonds and one spoon of urad daal (black gram) in water overnight and next morning grind them in a grinder. This protein rich homemade facial mask bleaches your skin as it contains vitamin e that helps in skin whitening.

49. Make a face mask at home with honey and watermelon juice and apply this mix on the face for ten minutes. This face mask leaves your skin fresh and glowing instantly.

50. There many benefits of coconut water for skin such as skin whitening, glowing skin etc. Mix coconut water and pineapple juice to apply on your face for getting glowing and fair complexion.

51. Boil cabbage/cumin seeds in water and rinse your face with this water to get glowing and beautiful skin.

52. Mix one spoon of curd, one spoon of orange juice and one spoon of lemon juice together, thereafter apply it on your face and wipe off the mask with wet towel.

53. Mash a strawberry and mix it with mashed banana to dab on your face for 15 minutes. This home remedy helps to lend miraculous glow to your skin like a home facial. Apt recipe for normal skin.

54. Curd and egg white mask is a great home remedy for glowing skin.

55. Lemon juice and cucumber juice mix is a great recipe for making your skin soft, fair and glowing naturally. Best natural remedy for teenager girls.

56. 2 spoons of barley flour, one spoon of honey, half cup of ripe papaya mixed together makes for a good homemade facial pack for getting fair and glowing skin naturally.

57. Apply plain curd and honey mask on your face to make it light and glowing naturally.

58.  Combine barley flour and supari (betal nut powder) together and apply the mix on the face for 20 minutes and wash off after 20 minutes. This natural remedy tones your skin and makes it glowing and clear the natural way.

59. Fine clay powder and orange peel powder and rose water mixed together is an another great home remedy for for acne- free and glowing skin.

60 . Green gram powder and rose water mixture works well to make your  skin clear and oil-free.

61. Tomato juice and yogurt mix makes skin fair and glowing naturally.

62.  Add some curd to orange peel power and apply on your face to make it fair and glowing naturally at home.

63. Scrub a lemon on your face to to lighten and brighten up your complexion within one month. In addition, lemon juice, being a natural bleaching agent evens out your complexion to make it flawless and clear naturally.

64. Add few drops of lemon juice to one spoon of milk and apply this mixture on the face 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Use this home remedy daily to get fair and glowing skin naturally.

65. Mix chamomile tea and oatmeal powder in equal measure and add 2 spoons of honey and  2 drops of almond oil to this mix. Slather this mix on your face for 20 minutes. This home remedy helps you get fair and glowing skin at home like a home facial.

66. 2 spoons of cucumber juice,  2 spoons watermelon juice, one spoon of yogurt and one spoon of milk powder combined together is a great homemade face pack for making your skin glow.

67. Boil 3 spoons of flower blossom in one cup of butter milk for 30 minutes. Let it cool down and then apply this preparation on the face. This recipe helps in clearing the skin pores and making your skin glowing and fair the natural way at home.

68. Milk and honey mask is a big help for bringing instant glow on the face.

69. Breadcrumbs and and malai mask application on the face gives amazing sheen to your face. You can try this recipe on small babies also.

70. 2 spoons of walnut powder, one spoon of each milk cream, honey and lemon juice blended together is an another great beauty tip for glowing and fair skin at home.

71. One egg white and one spoon of honey mask is a great anti-ageing face pack which brings a healthy glow on your face instantly.

72. Jasmine flower, 2 spoon of  curd and one spoon of sugar makes for a great face mask for glowing skin. This recipe can be used on sensitive skin too.

73.  Prepare a mask at home mixing one spoon of honey,  one spoon of lemon juice,  one spoon of almond oil and one and half spoon of milk cream combined together. Let the mask stay on the face for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. This home remedy is best for replenishing moisture into the inner layers of skin. Moreover, it helps to cure sun burnt skin too.

74.  Mix 3 spoons of milk, one spoon of lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric to apply on your skin to make it fair and glowing.

75. One egg white, half a banana mash, one spoon of curd mix when applied on the face for 15 minutes, gives parlor like effect on the face.

76. Boil cabbage and apply this mash with honey on your face and wash off after 20 minutes.

77. Corn flour, honey and curd mix is very beneficial for getting glowing face naturally. Keep the mask on for 25 minutes before washing off.  Finally, follow with astringent. Try this ayurvedic beauty tip for getting quick results.

78. Grate a potato and add curd to it. Thereafter apply on your skin to make it glowing and flawless the natural way at home.

79.  Take 5 gms of honey, 25 gms of white wax, 50 gms of onion juice and 50 gms of of lily flower and heat all ingredients together till wax melts and apply this homemade skin cream on your face to get resplendent and youthful complexion.

80. Orange juice, lemon juice and honey and curd mixture makes for an excellent homemade natural moisturizer to make your skin baby soft.

81. Dry papaya peels in the sun and grind them well to use them with glycerin. This exfoliating mask makes your skin clear and perfectly moisturized.

82. You can massage your face with olive oil/ coconut oil/ almond oil at bedtime. You can add few strands of saffron to any oil of your choice to massage your face at bedtime.

83. Cinnamon powder and honey mix is helpful for getting glowing and spotless complexion naturally.

84. Lentil and sandalwood powder mask is a great help for making your skin fair and soft.

85. Sandalwood powder, poppy seeds, one teaspoon of cucumber juice and 2 spoons of coconut water mix is very effective home remedy for bringing glow and glaze on your skin. Sure-shot way to get glowing and fair skin especially for those with dark skin tone.

[Don't Miss: Benefits of Sandalwood Powder for Skin]

86. Cucumber juice, lemon juice and rose water mix is a great toner for oily skin. Use this skin toner daily to get soft, fair and glowing complexion.

87. 2 spoons of apple juice and 2 spoons of lemon juice mix is a good recipe for glowing skin naturally.

88. Besan (gram flour) and multani mitti and raw milk paste can be used daily on the face for keeping it healthy and glowing  naturally.

89.  Blend 4 spoons of raw papaya paste and  one spoon of coconut oil together and apply on your face for 20 minutes.This home remedy is extremely beneficial in getting rid of facial blemishes and dullness. A sure shot herbal beauty tip for glowing and clear skin.

90. Mash a ripe banana and add few drops of glycerin to it and apply on your face.

91. Scrub an orange or dab orange juice on face for getting fair and glowing skin.

92. Mash a pear and apply on your face to get glowing and hydrated skin naturally. Very effective beauty tip for dry skin.

93. Soak up rose petals in raw milk for some time and then grind both ingredients well to make a skin-brightening face mask at home. To get pinkish glow on your skin, use this recipe thrice a week.

94. 2 spoons of carrot juice with one spoon of raw milk mix works wonders for making your skin soft and glowing.

95.  Take one spoon of mustard seeds, a pinch of nutmeg and one spoon of sesame seeds and some water, and grind them in the grinder and add besan to it before applying on your face. This recipe is very effective in making your face soft, smooth and charming.

96. Honey, milk cream and turmeric mixture is a good recipe for making your skin luminous and smooth naturally.

97. Mix one spoon of butter, 3 spoons of chokar (wheat bran), one spoon of malai (milk cream) and one spoon of raw milk to make a skin-brightening face pack at home. Apply on your face for 20 minutes.

98. 2 spoons of pineapple pulp, 1 spoon of papaya pulp with honey makes for a great natural remedy for glowing skin.

99.Place hot towel on the face for ten minutes and thereafter wash off your face with ice cold water. Hot and cold water therapy can bring pinkish stain on the cheeks instantly.

100. Rub strawberry /pineapple on your skin to bring incandescent sheen on your face.

101. One spoon of tamarind pulp, one spoon of sandalwood powder, curd, rose water mix can bleach your skin instantly. Keep this preparation on your skin for 20 minutes and finally wash off with lukewarm water. The end results would be fair, glowing and smooth vibrant complexion.

Diet for healthy and glowing skin

It is your diet also which makes the difference in making your skin look gorgeously glowing. Fuel your body with a diet rich in all essential nutrients like vitamins, proteins, omega- 3 fatty acids that make your skin glowing. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables which contain anti-oxidants such as carrots, broccoli, spinach and berries. Eat apple, pomegranate, strawberry, tomato, spinach,  lemons, eggs, dairy foods, pulse  cheese, fish to have a radiant skin. Drinking pomegranate juice or spinach juice daily gives a natural glow to your skin. Drink a lot of water to flush out unwanted toxins from the body. Snacking on vitamin C rich fruits such as oranges, amla, all citrus fruits keeps skin elastic and firm. Almonds are also known to improve skin's overall health.

Some very important points to remember

Wash your face face twice a day. Never sleep without cleansing your face to remove all traces of make-up and dirt accumulated on your skin during the day.

 Follow a routine of face cleaning such as cleansing, toning, and moisturizing  daily to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

 Do not layer your face with make up every time.

 Make sure you step out with SPF 30 before stepping out of home and wear SPF 15 even indoors.

Give up smoking right away as smoking increases the skin-damaging free radicals to make your skin dull and wrinkled.

Skimping on sleep leads to dark circles, premature wrinkles and dullness. It is necessary to have 8 hours of sleep daily to speed up the cell renewal process of skin to keep it youthful and healthy.

Studies reveal that exercise increases the oxygen flow to skin cells to make your skin visually charming and young.

Live a happy and stress-free life to have a radiating glow of happiness on your face.

By now you are aware of the top 101 tips for getting glowing and beautiful skin naturally. Follow any of these above -mentioned beauty tips right now and be all set to flaunt vibrant and luminous complexion to the world!

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