Women normally experience cramps and pain in abdomen while they are pregnant called Round Ligament Pain. This is absolutely normal. But sometimes it becomes very difficult to tolerate abdominal pain during pregnancy. In such cases, it is better to get rid of pregnancy cramps in order to ease out pain. There are many home remedies available that can help you relive pain and cramps during pregnancy. Below we have mentioned those home remedies and also discussed in detail different causes of pain experienced by pregnant lady. Have a look at them below.
Is abdominal pain during pregnancy worrying you? If you have a mild lower abdominal pain, then its normal in pregnancy, however, severe or sharp abdominal cramping during pregnancy could be an issue of concern. Mild lower abdominal cramping or pain during pregnancy is simply an other thing that happens this time. Uterus is getting bigger as the baby is growing in your stomach.
Round Ligament Pain During Pregnancy
Lower abdominal pain and cramping during pregnancy is termed as Round Ligament pain by the health professionals. A woman used to experience mild abdominal pain and discomfort through out the pregnancy time and there is nothing like to worry about as this abdominal cramping is normal.
Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be just a sign that uterus is getting ready to carry a baby through the next nine months of pregnancy. Lower abdominal pain occasionally crop up during pregnancy because of uterus stretching, from constipation or from gas.
During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges to provide accommodation to the growing fetus. This enhances the size and weight of the uterus.
Increased weight and size puts pressure on the ligament that holds it further causing it to stretch. This condition leads to lower abdominal pain, cramping during pregnancy, which is also termed as Round Ligament pain by the doctors.
How to Relieve From Abdominal Pain and Cramps During Pregnancy
* To get some relief, reduce your physical activity
* To decrease pain reduce cramp-inducing positions
* Comfortably resting can also relieve from pain
* You can also take a warm bath to relax from lower stomach pain and cramps during pregnancy
* Avoid turning sharply at the waist, if you are experiencing abdominal pain during pregnancy.
If the pain doesn't go away even when you rest or lie down and is also accompanied by any other symptoms such as bleeding, fever, contractions, high blood pressure call your doctor immediately.
Following are some possible causes of sharp or severe abdominal pain in pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy and Lower Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain during the first three month of pregnancy can be a symptom of Ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy complication, which threats the life of fetus as well as the pregnant woman.Ectopic pregnancy takes place outside the womb of the mother.
Ectopic pregnancy is difficult to distinguish from normal pregnancy in early weeks of pregnancy. If a pregnant woman feel pain in lower abdomen accompanied with sharp pain on one side of belly at first and then extends through the whole abdomen, pain that get worse if you move, mild bleeding, increased urination or pain while urinating, then she should contact her doctor as these all are the signs of Ectopic pregnancy.
Miscarriage and Abdominal pain
Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage, if it is accompanied by bleeding or spotting. The bleeding can be heavy or light. This time abdominal pain can be mild or sharp and feel like low back pain.
If a woman feels severe pain or heavy bleeding followed by abdominal pain, then she should immediately consult a doctor.
Preterm labor and abdominal cramping
Abdominal cramping can also be linked to premature labor, if it happens continuously before the 37th week of pregnancy. If you are feeling abdominal pain, menstrual like cramping and four contractions in one hour, then immediately call your doctor. Any bleeding from the private area, low backache, and pelvic pressure like symptoms accompanied with abdominal cramping or pain can be an issue of concern and a pregnant woman must contact her health professional as soon as possible.
Urinary Tract Infection and lower abdominal pain in pregnancy
Lower abdominal pain in pregnancy can be associated with Urinary Tract Infection, if it goes together with following symptoms:
There can be a number of causes for abdominal pain during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should check out whether the abdominal cramping is mild, sharp or severe and must consult the health professional.
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