15 Benefits of Lemon for Skin | How to Use Lemon on Face?

Uses and Benefits of Lemon for Skin and Face

15 Benefits of Lemon for Skin | How to Use Lemon on Face?
Image Source - Olichel, Pixabay
Lemon is a common household item. There are endless uses of lemon for skin. You can apply lemon on face to get white skin that is free of acne, scars and blemishes. Below we have discussed 15 uses and benefits of lemon for skin and face. Have a look!

Benefits and Uses of Lemon for Skin and Face

  1. Get Fair Skin: Scrub half a lemon on face daily to bleach your skin naturally. You will get fairer in one month. Lemon juice is a powerful bleaching agent that is widely used in various beauty applications for making the skin fair. In addition, applying lemon juice o face daily fades all types of facial discolorations and scars of the face. 
  2. Remove Scars: Lemon juice mixed with cucumber juice helps to lighten scars of the face. Use lemon on face if you have acne scars or any other kind of scars. It is highly effective home remedy for removing scars
  3. Clean Hair Scalp: Rub few spoons of lemon juice with half a cup of olive oil on your scalp and then wash off to remove dead skin cells from your scalp.
    [Don't Miss: Olive Oil Benefits for Skin]
  4. Facial Scrubbing: You can use lemon as facial scrubber.

    Simply scrub sugar mixed with 2 spoons of lemon juice. Rub till sugar does not melts completely. 
  5. Remove Dead Skin Cells: Lemon is bursting with the wonders of Alpha hydroxyl acids, which help in removing dead skin cells. It is definitely easy and effective way to slough off the dead skin cells.
  6. Remove Blackheads: Apply lemon juice on your blackheads before going to bed. Wash off in morning. Lemon is replete with citrus acids that fight the oil that form blackheads on the face.
  7. Best for Oily Skin: Mix 2 spoons of lemon juice, 2 spoons of vodka, 1 spoon of distilled water, and 1 spoon of Witch-hazel in a bowl. Apply this mix on the face with cotton pads. This toner can be stored in a refrigerator. You can use toner for one week. This lemon facial toner is apt for oily skin.
  8. Good for Dry Skin: Mix equal measures of lemon juice, honey, vegetable oil/canola oil/olive oil well. Apply this mix of lemon juice on your face and neck. Leave this preparation on for 10 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. This mixture is a wonderful homemade remedy for dry ravaged skin
  9. Detoxification: Drink warm milk mixed with juice of one lemon juice in the morning to cleanse your system and spruce up yourself for the whole day. This is another way lemon benefits skin by detoxifying innerself. 
  10. Healthy Nails: Soak up your nails in lemon juice for ten minutes. Then brush your nails with a nail brush or tooth brush with the mixture of half a spoon of vinegar and warm water. Then rinse off with warm water. See how this magical beauty use of lemon juice grants healthy and shiny nail.
  11. Skin Revitalizing: Rub lemon slice directly on the skin and leave it on for 2 hours. Follow with olive oil after rinsing off. This process facilitates cell renewal and reveal the fresh skin lying underneath. Lemon is enriched with the high amount of vitamin C that revitalizes your skin.
  12. Skin Lightening: Apply lemon juice mixed with honey on your face to lighten your skin naturally. View more skin whitening and lightening home remedies
  13. Eliminate Odour: Lemon juice can be used as a mouth freshener when mixed with water. Just squirt few drops of lemon juice into your mouth and swish it around for few seconds ,then swallow it. You can drink lemon water also to smell fresh all day long.
  14. Purifies Blood: Lemon is a natural blood purifier that helps to fight various infections of the skin. Regular application of lemon juice speeds up the healing process of your acne and prevent it from recurring. 
  15. Tones Skin: Steep peppermint tea bags in water for 15 minutes. Mix it with lemon juice and quarter of witch-hazel. Use daily as a toner.

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