How to Use Leaves for Healthy Glowing Skin and Hair Growth

Uses and Benefits of Leaves for Healthy Glowing Skin and Hair growth

How to Use Leaves for Healthy Glowing Skin and Hair Growth
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To many of us leaves of a plant or tree are unimportant. However, the truth is leaves have been used as a treatment and cure since ancient times. Since early human culture different types of leaves have been used to for health and remedial purposes. A little known fact is leaves of certain plants and trees can be used to give skin a healthy glow and strengthen roots of the hair.

In many cultures leaves are eaten raw, cooked or made into a paste to be consumed or applied on skin. Spices and herbs are blended with a paste of leaves and used for a variety of medicinal application. Treatment and cure with leaves is one of the oldest medicines known to man. You should realize not all leaves of plants and trees are safe to consume. Leaves such as mango, basil, guava, neem, papaya, soursop, and moringa can be used for a variety of treatments at home. While there are numerous health benefits associated with leaves, in this post we will discuss the benefits of leaves for skin and hair.

How to Use Leaves for Healthy Glowing Skin and Hair Growth

Leave Facial Masks and Body Masks on Skin 10-15 minutes before washing clean.

1. Mango Leaves- Leaves of mango have Vitamin A and are a good source of beta-carotene which acts as a photoprotective agent against ultraviolet rays. Furthermore, the presence of vitamin A is known to reduce production of excess oil on skin thereby giving skin a healthy glow and preventing acne breakouts. Carotenoids present in mango promote healthy growth of skin. Consumption of mango leaves also gradually repairs damaged skin and reduces fine lines. Leaves of mango are also a source of vitamin C that aids collagen production that aids in healthy growth of hair. The presence of beta-carotene present in mango leaves provide hair nourishment making it strong and shiny.

How to Use Mango Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Make a paste of mango leaves by blending with mint leaves. Add 3 tablespoons of this paste to 4 tablespoons of cream. Mix well and apply on skin. You can use this paste as a facial mask or as a body mask. The leaves of mango and mint have a cooling effect on skin. And fresh cream soothes and moisturizes skin. This facial/body mask rejuvenates skin and gives it a healthy natural glow.
  • In the blender put a handful of tender mango leaves. Add few cumin seeds, few sprigs of mint leaves and a small piece of jaggery blend with water. You can adjust the consistency by adding water. This drink removes body heat and acts as a natural blood purifier. As you consume this regularly, you will notice you skin has a natural glow.
  • Take paste made from tender mango leaves (2 tablespoons). To this add a tablespoon of curds and two tablespoon of papaya pulp. Apply this face mask/body mask on skin and was clean. This facial mask revitalizes skin and tightens pores giving skin a firm smooth tone. This paste can also be applied on hair and scalp. It strengthens hair and promotes healthy hair growth and by enhancing blood circulation on the scalp and also prevents dandruff flakes from surfacing. [Also Read: 40 Home Remedies To Remove Dandruff]

2. Basil Leaves (Tulsi)- Leaves of basil are known to promote longevity. Basil is popular in Ayurveda because of its medicinal properties. Beneficial antioxidants and compounds that promote antiviral, adaptogenic, immune enhancing and antibacterial properties are present in basil leaves. The juice of basil leaves are known to purify blood by eliminating toxins and thereby promote healthy skin growth. The antibacterial and antifungal properties present in basil leaves prevent acne and pimple outbreaks. Skin tone is improved greatly with basil leaf consumption.

How to Use Basil Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • You can mix two tablespoons of basil paste with one table spoon each of sandalwood paste and neem paste along with rosewater and apply this facial mask on the face, hands and legs for healthy glow and radiance.
  • You can also use mix two tablespoons of basil paste with 1 tablespoon of gram flour and rosewater and apply on face to reduce dark spots, fine lines and scar marks.
  • Add a tablespoon of basil paste with three tablespoons of coconut oil. To this mix add a tablespoon of curd. Mix well and massage scalp with the mixture. Basil strengthens the hair shaft and thereby reduces hairfall and hair thinning. Basil paste also keeps the scalp dry and clean eliminating itchy scalp and dandruff. Basil paste and coconut oil strengthen hair from the roots thereby preventing hair breakage.

3. Neem Leaves- Neem leaves are known for their diverse range of health benefits. The presence of nimbidol and gedunin are known for their antifungal properties that destroy nail fungus. Beneficial compounds such as nimbolide, ninbinene, nimbin, nimandial, and nimbolide have anti anti- bacterial and anti inflammatory properties that boost immunity and prevent spread of infections. Neem leaves are excellent for skin. For soft and supple skin with an even skin tone you should use neem applications. Neem face packs are exceedingly popular with women with oily skin. Paste of neem leaves moisturizes skin and makes it supple.

[Also Read: How to Get Rid of Oily Skin | Home Remedies for Oily Skin]

How to Use Neem Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Boil neem leaves in water. Use the boiled neem water with a ball of cotton and gently wipe your face before you go to sleep every day for 2 weeks. Doing this reduces pigmentation, and clears fine lines and scars. Make a neem face pack by grinding neem leaves with rosewater and turmeric. Apply this facial mask on the face to prevent acne and give skin a natural healthy glow.
  • Mix 1 table spoon mint paste with two tablespoons of neem paste. To this mix add a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Mix the contents well and apply on skin to treat any kind of skin infection and skin itch.
  • Add 1 and half cup of neem leaves to boiling water. Use the neem water to rinse hair after shampooing your hair. Neem has anti bacterial properties that help keep the scalp clean, reduce dry skin flakes, and dandruff. Neep keep the roots of hair strong.

4. Guava Leaves - While guava fruit is relished for its unique taste and it’s health benefits, not many of us are aware that guava leaves too have a diverse range of medicinal properties and health benefits. Leaves of guava are used in many herbal cures and treatments for skin and hair. The combination of chemicals such as carotenoids, tannins, polyphenols and flavonoids present in guava leaves promote a range of health benefits. The leaves of guava are used in various skin and hair treatments.

How to Use Guava Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Guava leaves have antioxidants that prevent free radicals. Make a paste with guava leaves and basil leaves adding rosewater, milk and turmeric. You can apply this facial mask on the face, hands or legs. As you use this guava leaf facial mask regularly your skin with have a firmer texture and skin tone. This facial mask is excellent for skin tightening, removal of fine lines and reducing spots of aging.
  • Blend 2 cups of tender guava leaves with 1 cup of neem leaves using rosewater. You can use this paste application as a scrub for treatment and removal of blackheads on the nose. With this application use a decoction of guava leaves and neem leaves as a toner. This natural toner gives clear skin adding glow and radiance.
  • For removal of dark spots blend guava leaves with jamun leaves. Apply the paste on you face and neck daily until you see reduction in dark spots.

5. Papaya Leaves - While Papaya fruit is associated with a number of health benefits, the leaves of papaya too offer a range of diverse medicinal benefits. Juice of papaya leaves is used as a herbal medicine for various treatments. Karpain compounds present in papaya leaves are known to promote healthy skin growth. Over 50 active ingredients that include vitamins A, C and E help boost immunity and fight infections. The papin enzyme present in papaya fruit and leaves aids in cleansing blood naturally and digestion.

How to Use Papaya Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Aside from papaya fruit, leaf extracts are used in several homemade face masks. Papaya leaves have vitamins and nutrients that are essential for healthy glowing skin. Make a paste of papaya leaves (2 tablespoons) with1 tablespoon of neem paste. Mix the two and apply this facial mask on the face and neck. This facial mask acts as a natural cleansing agent and removes blemishes.
  • Papaya leaf juice or papaya paste can be used to cure eczema. Take one table spoon of papaya leaf paste and mix with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and apply on infected area. Different types of skin infections and skin irritations can be cured with papaya leaf paste.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons papaya paste in 2 tablespoons cream. To this add a teaspoon of sandalwood powder. You can apply this facial mask to face, neck, hands and legs. The presence of karpain compounds give skin a fair glow. This facial is excellent for getting fair skin and skin whitening.

6. Soursop Leaves - Soursop also known as graviola in some parts of the world is a fruit that is sought for its anti-cancer properties. Aside from the fruit having a range of health benefits, it’s also the leaves of this fruit that have medicinal benefits. Leaves of Soursop are a rich source of compounds that include fructose, protein, vitamins A and B, and calcium. Extract of soursop leaves are used in making different herbal medicines and health products.

How to Use Soursop Leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Mash tender leaves of soursop to form a paste. Apply this paste on your face. Soursop leaves are a good source of Vitamin C and absorbic acid which enhance antioxidant activity preventing spread of free radicals. The paste of these leaves minimize indicators associated with aging… wrinkles and sagging skin in particular.
  • You can make a paste of soursop leaves and apply on the scalp of you head. Keep it on for a while and wash clean. Soursop leaves have anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties that help eliminate dandruff and make hair texture stronger.
  • Individuals that have skin irritation or skin conditions such as eczema should apply paste of soursop leaves. Soursop paste not only heals skin conditions, it also makes skin soft and smooth.

7. Moringa (Drumstick Tree) - Moringa leaves are associated with numerous health benefits. These leaves are a rich source of nutrients. Moringa leaves have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Moringa leaves can be cooked as a vegetable in different ways. Also the juice of these leaves can be extracted and consumed for medicinal purposes. Moringa juice is used as a natural blood cleanser and also as a cure for diabetes. In Ayurveda, moringa leaves along with a mixture of herbs are used for various skin treatments.

How to use Moringa leaves for Skin and Hair

  • Make a paste of moringa leaves and massage gently on hair and scalp. The paste of these leaves cleans the scalp and prevents hair damage. Moring paste enhances blood circulation at the scalp this in turn boosts hair growth.
  • Make a decoction of moringa leaves. Take a handful of moringa leaves boil in water (3 cups). Let it simmer until the stew reduces to 1 cup. Strain the pulp and have the decoction. Moringa has a combination of antioxidants that promote healthy skin. The decoction purifies blood and rejuvenates skin.
  • You can make a paste of moringa leaves (2 tablespoons paste) mixed with sandalwood powder (2 tablespoon) and apply on hands and legs. Keep the body mask for 10 minutes and wash clean with water. This body facial makes the skin soft and supple and gives a natural glow. This is an excellent body mask for soon to be brides.

Check this link to read more about Benefits of Drumstick (Moringa) Tree and Leaves.

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