15 Nuts and Seeds for Healthy Glowing Skin

15 Must Have Nuts for Healthy Glowing Skin

15 Nuts and Seeds for Healthy Glowing Skin
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/nuts-food-healthy-organic-eating-1703663/
Nuts and seeds may not be the most popular food source among people globally, however the truth is both seeds and nuts are a powerhouse of nutrition with diverse health benefits. This article offers a detailed perspective on how nuts and seeds are associated with healthy glowing skin.

A number of individuals, women in particular consume a diverse range of fruits and vegetable for skin nourishment. While fruits and veggies are a great way to have great looking skin, a food source that actually does wonders to skin naturally is nuts and seeds. Consuming nuts and seeds regularly nourishes, moisturizes and provides a natural glow to skin.

Nuts and seeds are a perfect health snack as they are low in calories. Research reveals consumption of seeds and nuts cures skin conditions, revitalizes skin and makes it healthy. The lines below discuss different nuts and seeds beneficial for healthy glowing skin.

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15 Nuts and Seeds for Healthy Glowing Skin

1. Pumpkin Seeds

While pumpkin is consumed in many cultures, its seeds are often discarded or thrown away.

Pumpkin seeds offer diverse range of health benefits. A 100 gram serving of pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of iron, zinc, protein, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, dietary fiber, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, sodium Vitamins A, E, and pantothenic acid, a complex combination of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are essential for skin regeneration. Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds helps maintain sebum production and gives skin natural elasticity that prevents visible signs of aging.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts offer a diverse range of health benefits. These nuts are a great source of omega 3 and B vitamins that provide excellent nourishment for skin. B vitamins also keep your mood elevated while keeping stress at bay. Walnuts play a critical role in boosting mood, this due to the abundance of fatty acids present. Omega 3 fatty acid in walnuts plays a critical role in the brain’s nerve cells improving cognitive performance and minimizing mood disorders and depression. When the mind is relaxed the skin condition improves and the chances of wrinkles and fine lines are minimized drastically. The healthy fats in walnuts also play an important role in protecting skin from harmful UV rays.

3. Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acid which is essential for flawless skin. Flax seeds have anti- inflammatory properties that help in skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis. Regular consumption of flax seeds also minimizes acne outbreaks. Flax seeds have a diverse mix of dietary fiber, protein, dietary minerals and B vitamins that play an important role in nourishing and moisturizing skin making it soft and supple.

4. Pecans

Pecan nuts are nutritious nuts which offer a range of health benefits. These nuts are loaded with antioxidants that include Vitamin A,  Vitamin E and ellagic acid which is essential in eliminating and fighting free radicals that cause premature aging. Zinc, magnesium, and phosphorous, and folates found in pecans play an important role in maintaining radiant skin. Pecans area great source of soluble fiber which help eliminate toxins naturally and in the process keep skin healthy and glowing. Consumption of pecans regularly slows down skin aging, reduces fine lines, wrinkles and gradually helps fade away appearance of dark circles.

5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse and that’s reason why these are extremely popular with health conscious individuals. Including chia seeds in your diet slows down the signs of aging. Chia seeds are a rich source of B vitamins, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, and a diverse mix of dietary minerals that include manganese, phosphorous, zinc, calcium, and iron. The presence of omega 3 fatty acids, phytonutrients and antioxidants play a pivotal role in reducing skin inflammation and enhancing circulation thereby resulting in healthy glowing skin. Fats and nutrients present in chia seeds nourish and soften skin. Consumption of chia seeds also reduces pore size thereby making skin firmer and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are a rich source of thiamin, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, and zinc. These nuts are one of the richest source of selenium among varied food sources with a 28 gram serving (approximately 6 nuts) supplying 77.4% DV. Vitamin E and selenium present in Brazil nuts are known to minimize the risk of skin cancer. The antioxidant properties of Brazil nuts fight free radicals thereby slowing down skin aging. The presence of copper assists in melanin production which protects skin for harmful UV rays. Vitamin E present in these nuts helps maintain integrity of cells of mucus membrane and the skin.

7. Sesame Seeds

The benefits of sesame seeds are often ignored. These little seeds are a good source of omega 3, omega 6, omega 9 fatty acids, and vitamin E which help maintain good skin texture and elasticity. Also consumption of chia seeds regularly slows down the process of skin aging by keeping skin texture firm. Chia seed oil is used in several beauty applications that include facial masks and body masks to give skin a smooth even tone. Tahini or sesame seed butter is an excellent source of copper which helps with collagen production and reduces fine lines.

8. Amaranth Seeds

Amaranth grain is gluten free which makes it a perfect health snack for individuals that are gluten intolerant. Being a rich source of plant based protein, calcium, phytonutrients, magnesium, and fiber, this cereal-based snack is pivotal for maintaining healthy glowing skin. The grains act as natural cleansers by eliminating harmful free radicals and in the process giving skin a firm texture and glow. Amaranth seeds have anti inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant properties which make them a must have snack for varied health and skin conditions.

9. Sunflower Seeds

While sunflower seeds are primarily used to extract oil, sunflower seeds can also be eaten as a health snack. In several Asian cultures, sunflower seeds are consumed as a health snack because these seeds are loaded with minerals and nutrients beneficial for healthy glowing skin. The presence of copper, vitamin E, stearic, oleic, palmitic and linoleic acids help produce melanin which gives skin its unique natural pigment. The strong content of magnesium in sunflower seeds gives skin a youthful look. Vitamin B6 present in sunflower seeds enhance blood circulation naturally thereby giving skin a natural glow and slowing down aging. A paste of sunflower seed is used along with papaya and almond powder in facial masks for skin whitening and glow.

10. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. The seeds are an excellent source of protein, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E, iron and chlorophyll…nutrients that help nourish skin and leave it supple. The antioxidant properties in these seeds promote collagen production that is important for smooth and radiant skin. Hemp seeds are known for their diverse medicinal benefits especially in supporting healthy cardiovascular health and brain health.

11. Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are an excellent source of nutrition. Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Vitamin C present in hazelnuts play an important role in preventing the onset of fine lines, wrinkles thereby delaying the signs of aging skin. Vitamin E and fats present in these nuts keep skin hydrated and moisturized. Individuals that include hazelnuts in their diet develop radiant and youthful skin over a period of time. Antioxidants in hazelnuts stimulate regeneration of skin cells thereby eliminating dead cells and rendering youthful healthy glowing skin.  

12. Watermelon Seeds

Seeds of watermelon are loaded with health benefits. The tiny seeds of watermelon are nutrient rich and make a great ‘anytime’ snack. The seeds have moisturizing properties that give skin a firm soft texture. Watermelon seeds are a rich source of micronutrients such as copper, selenium, potassium and zinc…nutrients that are beneficial for healthy skin. Furthermore, presence of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleum and oleic acid help keep skin moisturized and also slow down aging by tightening pores.

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13. Almonds

Almonds make the perfect health snack. These nuts are a perfect food for body and mind. Almonds are loaded with protein that enhances collagen production. Anxiety and stress makes you look older than you actually are. Regular consumption of almonds helps calm the mind and keep stress away. Foods that elevate mood are known to impact skin health positively.

14. Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are often used in cooking. These seeds are rich source of calcium and carbohydrates. Poppy seed paste is used in several homemade facial masks and body masks to moisturize skin and give skin radiance. The presence of linolenic acid helps in conditions such as eczema and also helps get rid of fine lines and dark circles under eyes. Poppy seed scrubs are exceedingly popular for cleansing skin and giving skin a smooth glow.  

15. Chestnuts

While chestnuts may not be the most popular nuts with people, the truth is these nuts are nutrient rich and improve skin tone immensely. Chestnuts are a good source of vitamin C which assists in preventing breakdown of collagen that maintains healthy skin. Furthermore, including these nuts regularly in your diet also build up immunity to fight harmful free radicals that can do severe damage to skin.

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