Uti Symptoms - Urinary Tract Infection During Pregnancy Can Cause Miscarriage

UTI and Pregnancy

Uti Symptoms - Urinary Tract Infection During Pregnancy Can Cause Miscarriage
Image Source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2hR06FpbV4
It is said that urinary tract infections are common during pregnancy. In rare cases, UTI can also cause miscarriage. So prevention is always better than cure. In this article, we are going to look at symptoms of UTI and how to prevent UTI during pregnancy in order to avoid the risk of miscarriage.

A woman, particularly a pregnant woman should be aware of signs or symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI) and know how to prevent, treat UTI because urinary tract infection is more common during pregnancy and can be a cause of miscarriage.

A urinary tract infection or UTI is a term that refers to an infection caused by a type of bacteria called E.coli. A pregnant woman, if suffering from urinary tract infection is also at a risk of miscarriage.

UTI is a bacterial inflammation in the urinary tract and are more common in women than men. UTI in women is caused by a kind of bacteria which enters the urethra and travel to the bladder and the kidneys.

A urinary tract infection is also called as bladder infection. The body organs that are involved in urinary tract infection are:

* The kidneys
* The tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder, ureter
* The bladder
* tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body, urethra

Most often urinary tract infection takes place in the urethra and bladder. It can also pass through the bladder into the ureter and kidneys. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you should also read: Ectopic Pregnancy : abnormal pregnancy woman should aware

Symptoms or signs of Urinary tract infection (UTI)

A Woman should see the doctor if she has any of these signs or symptoms of UTI:

* burning feeling while urinating
* frequent urges to urinate,
* pain in lower abdomen
* cloudy, bloody or smelling urine
* fever, sweats, chills
* intense urge to urinate, even when little urine to pass
* pain in back
* irritation in genital area

UTIs can be particularly dangerous for older people and women who are pregnant; it can be a cause of miscarriage in some cases.

Prevention is better than cure - How to prevent UTI

What can a woman do to help prevent and avoid urinary tract infections? Health professionals recommend the following ways and tips to reduce the risk of building up a UTI.

You can lessen the likelihood of this irritating infection by doing the following:

* Cranberry juice - Health professionals suggest the intake of cranberry juice as it is useful in the prevention of UTI.

Bacteria can not grow easily as there is an increase in the acid level because of the juice. Cranberry juice makes your bladder wall slippery stopping the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.

* Drink 6-8 glasses of water or any fluid to flush the bacteria from your system.

* Bacteria which cause UTI can grow up when urine stays in the bladder too long. So, it is advisable by doctors that urinate frequently.

* Urinate shortly after having intercourse. This way you can flush away bacteria that might have entered the urethra during sex.

* Keep your genital area clean and dry.

* While you are being treated for an UTI infection, avoid the intercourse.
* After urinating, always wipe from the front toward back.

* Avoid the use of strong soaps, douches, feminine hygiene sprays and powders. They can irritate the urethra and can lead to a UTI.

* Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothes so that air can keep the area dry. Tight clothes can trap moisture and this can help bacteria to breed.

* Personal hygiene is important to avoid and prevent UTI. Always wash your genital area before and after sexual intercourse to help avoid transferring bacteria to private area.

Why UTI during pregnancy is common?

The uterus in woman is placed directly on top of the bladder. During pregnancy of week 6 to week 24 uterus grows and its increasing weight causes a pressure on the bladder. Due to the pressure passing of urine get obstructed and urine get trapped in the bladder for more time. This is the time when a pregnant woman can get infected to UTI.

UTI or urinary tract Infection can affect the baby in the womb of mother. If the UTI goes untreated, it can turn out to a kidney infection. Kidney infections may lead to early labor and low birth weight.

If you get urinary tract infection treated near the beginning of infection, the UTI will not cause damage to the baby.

UTI can cause miscarriage

There is an association among urinary tract infections and miscarriage. Repeat symptoms of UTI or recurrent UTIs may increase the risk of miscarriage. If the infection is not treated early and properly, it may lead to infection of the kidneys. This can further result into preterm labor and low birth weight babies. Urinary tract infections in a pregnant woman should be treated properly to prevent complications and miscarriage.

Treatment of Urinary tract infection or UTI

If you feel, you have symptoms of urinary tract infection, contact a health professional. She will test a sample of urine for urine culture and red and white blood cells.

UTI's can be treated safely with antibiotics even during pregnancy. Doctors usually prescribe a course of antibiotics that is harmless for a pregnant woman and for the baby both.

If you think you are having sign or symptoms of urinary tract infection, you must consult a doctor for a proper treatment. Knowing that UTIs can increase the risk of miscarriage, a pregnant woman should be alert during the time of pregnancy.

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