21 beauty and skin care benefits of coconut oil: Coconut oil homemade facial masks recipes

21 ways to use coconut oil for beauty purposes

Coconut oil is most popularly known as hair oil but coconut oil is equally as effective for skin too as it is for hair. Extracted from the meat of full-developed coconut fruit and it comes packed with a host of benefits for your skin. Let us learn in detail how some coconut oil face packs can do wonder for your skin. Read on to know the best 21 beauty and skin care benefits of coconut oil in your beauty rituals.


 You must have used coconut oil several times on your hair, but have you even tried coconut oil for your skin? Yes, coconut oil is a boon to your skin and it can drive away a host of skin ailments if used topically on your skin. Mentioned below are some coconut oil homemade facial masks recipes.

1 .Coconut oil for fair skin

Coconut oil has very effective skin-lightening abilities that make your skin fair and glowing. All you need to do it to apply coconut oil all over your face and neck at night and let it stay on face overnight and wash off in the morning with cold water. You can add a pinch of saffron to coconut oil and  massaging saffron mixed coconut oil can give magical fairness to your skin. Repeat the same procedure every night.

2.Coconut oil for flawless skin

Mix coconut oil with olive oil and apply this mixture all over your face. This recipe helps lighten facial blemishes like  dark spots, pigmentation marks and acne scars.

So and so, regular application of coconut oil can lighten even chicken pox scar in initial stage. Use this home remedy daily at bedtime.

 3.Coconut oil for dark circles

 Coconut oil is very high on nutrition values which when massaged on under-eyes areas can diminish the appearance of dark circles. Or,  you can mix coconut oil with almond oil in equal measure and massage this oil around your eyes areas. This procedure will smoothen out fine lines and eye-wrinkles very effectively.  Make sure you are using extra virgin coconut oil minus any preservatives for your under-eyes areas. Use this beauty tip daily at  bedtime.

4.Coconut oil for removing make-up

 You need not buy costly make- up remover to remove make up, either you can use coconut oil as an ideal make-up remover.  Dip cotton pad in coconut oil and wipe clean your face to remove all traces of make-up and dirt deposited on your face. Use this recipe every night before you hit the sack.

 5. Coconut oil protects your skin against harmful sun rays and keeps your skin hydrated

  Coconut oil contains medium chain triglyceride, a natural moisturising agent which deep penetrates into the innermost layer of your skin, as a result coconut oil makes your skin deeply nourished and moist. Coconut oil massage helps your skin to stay supple and youthful for long. Moreover, it protects your skin against environmental damages and it can screen the 20 percent of harmful ultraviolet rays. It has been proved that consuming coconut oil in your diet can counteract the effects of sun rays and It minimises the chance of water loss in dry and dull skin. So incorporate coconut oil into beauty routine right now.

6. Home-made scrub for your skin with coconut oil

You must be buying a lot of expensive scrubs for your skin but you can mix 2 spoons of coconut oil with  one spoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and few spoons of essential oil of your choice to make an nourishing scrub for your skin. Massage gently on your skin till sugar granules melt completely. This scrub is highly beneficial in eradicating those pesky black heads and whiteheads too. Use this exfoliating scrub twice a week.

 7. Coconut oil massage for babies
Rich in vitamin A and anti-oxidants, coconut oil is very delicate and nourishing moisturiser for your babies' skin. What is more, coconut oil has anti-fungal qualities that help heal minor cuts, rashes and pimples on your babies' tender skin.  It makes your babies' skin whiter and softer.To top it off, it smells like cookies to make your baby feel and smell pleasant.

 8.Coconut oil for soft hands and feet

Massage your hands with 2 spoons of coconut oil and  1 spoon of sea salt and 2 spoons of orange juice mix and rub on your feet and hands for 5 minutes and rub off to reveal a soft hands and feet.

 9 .Coconut oil skin highlighter

 A highlighter can add a jazz to your looks. No doubt, market is full of many highlighter but coconut oil can do the trick. Just sweep  a little amount of coconut oil over the make up and let it stay on face.  See how coconut oil worked like a highlighter to brighten your cheekbones.

 10. Coconut oil skin lightening masks 
 Grind a banana and mix this with 2 spoons of coconut oil. Spread this mask all over your face and leave it on 30 minutes on your face. Massage off this mask to remove the mask. Use this home remedy and you will see positive results in 10 days. Good for dry skin.

 11.Coconut oil anti-ageing face mask 

 Mix  few drops of coconut oil with  2 spoons of raw milk and apply this all over your face and neck. Leave it on your skin for 10 minutes, then wash off. This beauty tip erases the fine lines and premature ageing. Use this remedy daily for best results.

12. Coconut oil deodorant

 You can make a homemade deodorant with mixing coconut oil, baking soda, arrowroot powder, cornstarch and few drops of essential oil and put this preparation in Spitz bottle and use as a deodrant.

13. Coconut oil toothpaste

 Just mix coconut oil with baking powder and rub on your teeth and see how this natural remedy helps whiten your teeth.

14. Lice treatment with coconut oil
 Mix coconut oil with apple cider vinegar and let it stay on your hair for 12-14 hairs and then shampoo your hair as usual. Either, you can mix  a pinch of camphor with coconut oil and massage on your head affected with lice. This ayurvedic remedies will kill lice with regular application.

15. Stretch marks removal with coconut oil

 Expectant mothers can mix  2 spoons of aloe vera gel,  4 drops of vitamin E oil with 4 spoons of  coconut oil and massage this mixture all over their abdominal areas to prevent stretch marks from appearing. It is also recommended by doctors to massage this mixture to lighten stretch masks post delivery in initial stage.

16. Coconut oil for pink lips
 If your lips have become dark or you are not blessed with natural pink lips, then coconut oil is of great use for you. You can prepare a mask with rose petals and coconut oil. All you need to do is to grind rose petals with milk and to this mixture, add few drops of coconut oil and dab on your lips as you do with your lip-balm. This beauty tip will gradually lighten your dark lips naturally.

In addition, you can mix beetroot juice with coconut oil and massage this concoction on your lips to make them rosy pink.

17. Coconut oil for conditioning your hair
Since, coconut oil is loaded with small-medium chain fatty acids, that is why it penetrates deep into your hair to condition and soften your tress. It nourishes your scalp with healthy portions of proten Apply warm coconut oil all around your hair and wrap warm towel around head for 25 minutes. This process deep conditions your hair and softens and makes it dandruff free. If you use this beauty tip twice a week.  You will experience reduction in hair loss too.

18. Coconut oil for healthy and strong nails

Dip your digits in  warm coconut oil for 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water. This recipe strengthens your brittle nails to become beautiful and healthy.

19. Use coconut oil for pedicure at home
 Give your legs some gentle caress they deserve with the help of coconut oil. To get started, add one spoon of Epsom salt to hot bucketful of water. And let your legs stay on water for ten minutes and in the meantime rub clean your feet to remove calluses and dead cells deposited on your feet. Next, apply coconut oil all over your cleansed heels to make them soft and beautiful. This remedy heals the cracked heels in short span of time.

 In addition to this recipe, if your cracked heels are painful and bleeding, the you should try recipe for quick results- Mix coconut oil and parrafin wax togehter and heat this mixture till wax melt completely. Let this mixture cool down a bit and then slather on your cracked heels. Loading with skin emollient properties, coconut oil replenishes the lost moisture into your skin to make your feet smooth and supple. Do not forget to wear cotton socks following this procedure. Use this natural remedy daily before going to bed for healing cracked heels naturally.

20. Coconut oil remedies for peeling and chapped lips

If your lips are peeling and craving for moisture, then coconut oil and honey mix can do wonder for your chapped lips. Just massage your pouts with coconut oil and honey mixture for few minutes and wash off with warm water. Repeat recipe several times a day to heal your bleeding and peeling lips naturally at home.

21. Coconut oil for curing acne and acne scars

 Rich in lauric acid, coconut oil is bursting with anti-fungal properties that help in killing acne-triggering bacteria. Just make an acne and pimple control mask with 2 spoons of fuller's earth. 1 spoon of coconut oil and 3 spoons of rose water. This resultant preparation can do wonder in driving away pimple and pimple marks too.

 By now, you are aware of the best 21 beauty and skin care uses of coconut oil. Let us follow these home remedies and get set to flaunt a healthy, fair and flawless complexion.


 Check out How to remove dark circles in just 7 days

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