Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Face Toners for Beautiful Skin

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Face Toner that can be made at home

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Face Toners for Beautiful Skin
Image Source - delicia.info
Toners are usually recommended for restoring the PH balance of skin which is disturbed by several factors such as stress, pollution, ageing, usage of harsh cleansers on skin. You can prepare face toners with apple cider vinegar for glowing beautiful skin at home without spending bomb on skin minus any harsh chemicals. This article is presenting the four best DIY recipes of apple cider vinegar skin toners that you can make at home to tone your face.

Using a facial toner after cleansing your face is an important part of your daily skin care ritual. Face toners mattify your skin and absorb the extra oil from your face as well as shrink large pores. It would be so nice to prepare toners with natural ingredients available at home  to save your delicate skin and precious money too. Apple cider vinegar is a magical product which is very useful in treating a host of skin ailments. You can prepare homemade face toners with apple cider vinegar. This article is presenting the best recipes to make apple cider vinegar homemade toners at no great cost without hassles.

Read on to know the benefits of apple cider vinegar toners provide to your skin.

Benefits of Using Apple Cider Vinegar Face Toner 

  • Acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar exfoliates your skin and helps in formation of new cells
  • It maintains the PH balance of  your skin.
  • It absorbs the extra oil and sebum on skin.
  • It dries out pimples and acne very effectively.
  • Calcium present in apple cider vinegar stimulates cell renewal process and  anti-oxidants protect your skin against DNA damage.
  • It shrinks enlarged and open pores.
  • It lightens your skin tone and blemishes on skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar Face Toner Recipes for Beautiful Skin

1. Apple cider vinegar, green tea,  rose water and  essential oil homemade toner for oil-free and beautiful skin

Ingredients you will need:

 2 spoons of Apple cider vinegar ( You can change the ratio of apple cider vinegar according to your skin type.  You can reduce the quantity of apple cider vinegar if you have sensitive skin.

2 spoons of rose water

2 spoons of brewed green tea

2-3 drops of tea tree or lavender essential oil


Brew a bag of green tea in one cup of water for some time and let it cool down and strain this liquid. Add 2 spoons of  brewed green tea with rose water, essential oil of your choice and apple cider vinegar well to rustle up a facial toner at home. Dip a cotton wool in this solution and wipe your skin with this toner after cleansing your face. Store this preparation in refrigerator.

Reason why this face toner benefits your skin?

We all know that apple cider vinegar is rich in malic acid which gives it anti-bacterial properties and  it helps to drive away bacteria and infections. It restores the natural acidity of skin which is washed away by chemical-laden cleansers or face washes. Acidic mantle in skin keeps off the bacteria, environmental pollutiants from skin and makes your skin oil- free. Green tea contains polyphenol that fights free radicals and green tea brew helps to shrink enlarged pores. Rose water disinfects your skin and restores the PH balance of skin. Essential oil moisturizes and gives a pleasant aroma to your homemade skin toner. All these ingredeitns work together to make your skin beautiful.

How often should you use this toner?

Mist your face with homemade toner after cleansing your face twice a day.

2. Cucumber juice and apple cider vinegar face toner for oil-free and clear complexion

Ingredients you will need: 

2 spoons of apple cider vinegar

4 spoons of cucumber juice


Grate a fresh cucumber and extract the juice out of this. Blend cucumber juice with apple cider vinegar and apply this blend on your face evenly after cleansing your face. Leave it on and follow with moisturizer.

Why this homemade apple cider vinegar face toner benefits your skin?

Cucumber has truckload of vitamins like vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5 B9. Organic acid in cucumber absorbs the extra oil from skin that helps a lot a rejuvenating and brightening your skin. While apple cider vinegar is well known to absorb the greasiness of skin and control excess sebum production on your face  to make your skin clear.

How many times should you use this face toner?

Use this toner several times a day.

3. Apple cider vinegar and mint water face toner for acne-free and flawless skin

Ingredients you will need:

Half cup of mint leaves

1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar

One cup of water


Boil mint leaves in water for ten minutes and then stain this liquid. Let this mixture cool down and then add apple cider vinegar to this mint water. Apply this solution on your face after cleansing your face. This toner is best for drying out acne and pimples too. Keep this toner in fridge and it can be used up to 7 days.

Why this toner is helpful for your skin?

Apple cider vinegar is rich in acetic acid which absorbs the oil and helps to dry out pimple  fast. While mint has anti-bacteria properties that help in healing acne. Menthol rich mint makes for a good toner and it freshens up and resurrects your skin. Mint has natural astringent properties to tone your skin and rich in salicyclic acid, mint helps remove dead and dull skin layer from skin.

How often should you use this recipe?

Use this recipe after cleansing your face.

4. Apple cider vinegar, tomato juice, camphor and rose water toner for beautiful and healthy skin

Ingredients you will need:

2 spoons of   apple cider vinegar

2 spoons of tomato juice

2 pinches of camphor

2 spoons of rose water


Mix rose water, camphor, tomato juice and apple cider vinegar well and keep it in a airtight bottle. Keep this preparation in  fridge for daily use.

Why this homemade face toner benefits your skin?

Malic acid in apple cider vinegar removes dead skin cells as well as dark spots and pigmentation marks. Rose water is natural skin toner because of its astringent properties,  As a result rose water tightens and refines your skin's  pores. Tomato juice is a boon for large and open pores and camphor prevents the acne break out in skin. Best recipe for oily skin.

How often should you use this apple cider vinegar face toner recipe?

Use this recipe after cleansing your face twice or thrice a day.

By now you are aware of the best 4 apple cider vinegar facial toner recipes. Incorporate these homemade toners into your day to day skin care regimen. Get set to flaunt a naturally fair, glowing and oil- free complexion.

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