Herbal Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting

Herbal Remedies for Nausea and Vomiting

Being nauseas and vomiting is not fun, and you usually have to take some over the counter medicine that sometimes does and does not work. I know when I am nauseas and vomiting I do not want over the counter nausea medicine because it seems to make me more sick. When I have nausea and seem to be vomiting a lot I like to use herbal remedies that stop me from feeling nauseas, calm my stomach, and helps take away my body aches.  Some of the best herbal remedies to take to help relieve nausea and vomiting are peppermint, ginger, chamomile, slippery elm, red raspberry leaf tea, spearmint, papaya,  and licorice root, and I will tell you how each one helps ease nausea and vomiting.

The way peppermint and spearmint help ease nausea and vomiting is because they contain menthol in them, which provides a cooling sensation in the mouth, and belly that seems to help ease nausea and vomiting is calming down the digestive tract and muscles. The aroma of the mint herbs themselves seem to help relieve headaches and body aches, and the oils of the mint leaves work well with relieving pains caused by inflammation within the body. The forms you can get peppermint and spearmint are herbal teas, herbal oils, and in hard candies and gum. The way I personally like to take peppermint or spearmint when I am nauseas and need relief from vomiting is in the form of an herbal tea.

I simply boil water on top of the stove in my teakettle, pour some of the boiling water over my peppermint or spearmint tea bag inside of my teacup, and allow the tea to steep for around five mints. After I simply sip on the mint tea a little bit at a time until my nausea and vomiting seem to ease, off a bit. You can also suck on a hard peppermint or spearmint candy when you are nausea and vomiting and that seems to help ease away your nausea and vomiting. The other way you can use peppermint and spearmint if by peppermint and spearmint oils and taking a cup of hot water and adding a few drops to the water and than simply sip until the mint, flavored water is gone. Peppermint and Spearmint are fairly safe herbal remedies to take for easing nausea and vomiting, but some people tend to have allergies towards different kinds of mints so that is the one thing I would be careful of.

Now the way ginger helps soothe away nausea and vomiting is because ginger is an anti-inflammatory and seems to ease pain in the body and stomach. Ginger also has a warm soothing sensation that seems to soothe the stomach, stop the vomiting, and ease away nausea. The forms your can get ginger in are in supplements, spices, teas, and simply by going to the store and getting some ginger root. The form I like to take ginger in when I am feeling nausea and seem to be vomiting a lot is once again in tea form. I find that ginger tea is very warming and soothing to my body and really, helps ease away my nausea and vomiting. The way I make ginger tea is simply by boiling some water in my teakettle on top of the stove, and than I like to pour the boiling water over my ginger tea bag in a tea cup and allow the tea to steep and brew for around 10 minute. After I simply sip on the tea until it is gone and my nausea and vomiting is gone. My personal favorite ginger tea to drink is Yoga Ginger Tea, but you may prefer a different kind. Ginger is one of the safest herbal remedies to take for nausea and vomiting and does not seem to have any real side effects at all unless you are allergic to it.

The way that chamomile helps ease away nausea and vomiting is because it contains calming and soothing compounds in it that helps the bodies muscles relax easing away stomach aches and vomiting which means less nausea. The forms chamomile comes in are teas and supplements. The best form to take when you are trying to ease nauseas and vomiting away is in tea form. You would make chamomile tea the same way you would make the peppermint, spearmint, and ginger tea, and you would sip on it the same way until your nausea is gone. The only difference with chamomile tea is it always taste better and works better with organic honey when it comes to easing away nausea and vomiting, but this is what I have noticed.  However, chamomile does cause server allergic reactions in people who are allergic to ragweed and feverfew so I would recommend you talk to your doctor before using chamomile as a natural herbal remedy for easing away nausea and vomiting.

Now the way slippery elm helps ease away nausea and vomiting is because it contains a substance in it called mucilage, which is a thick gel like substance that helps coat the digestive tract and stomach so the acid does not burn the stomach lining causing nausea and vomiting. The mucilage substance in the slippery elm also contains antioxidants that seem to help reduce inflammation inside the digestive tract and stomach reducing any discomfort and pain inside which also helps ease off nausea. The forms slippery elm comes in are teas, supplements, liquid, powder extracts, and lozenges. I personally think the best forms of slippery elm to take when you have an upset stomach are by sucking on lozenges, taking supplements, or sipping on teas. However, slippery elm has side effects because it can interact with medication you are on so you should talk to your doctor before using slippery elm to help treat your nausea and vomiting. Other than, that slippery elm seems to be a safe herbal remedy to take for nausea and vomiting.

The way red raspberry lead herbal teas helps ease away nausea and vomiting is because it contains vitamins and minerals that the body needs to heal itself when it is not well. It also seems to help support the immune system making it stronger so it can fight off sickness faster. Red raspberry herbal leaf tea also contains tannins which is an astringent that helps cleanse and calm the lining of your intestines and stomach and helps balance out the acid levels so you can stop vomiting. The aroma of the red raspberry herbal leaf tea also seems to help relieve the nauseas feelings you get when you are sick, or at least this is what I have noticed from using this herbal tea to help ease my nausea and vomiting away. The form red raspberry herbal leaf tea comes in is tealeaf in tea bags or in loose tealeaf form. The way I personally like to make red raspberry herbal leaf tea is by simply boiling water in my tea kettle and than pouring the boiling water over an organic red raspberry herbal leaf tea bag and allow it to steep and brew for around 10 minutes. Than I simply sip on the tea until my nausea and vomiting begin to go away. There does not seem to be any side effects from drinking red raspberry herbal leaf tea.

Now one of my favorite nausea and vomiting relieving remedies is papaya. The reason way papaya can work to help ease away nausea and vomiting is because it contains antibacterial agents in it that help fight off certain types of bacteria in the stomach and intestines that cause vomiting, it contains natural enzymes that help digest food, balance out the acids in the stomach, and can remove parasites from your intestine.   The forms papaya comes in are in juices, fruits, and in chewable supplement form. The best way I think to help ease nausea and vomiting with the herbal remedy papaya is by taking herbal papaya chewable supplements, or by simply eating ripened papaya fruits. However, papaya can cause miscarriages, skin discoloration, and can be toxic if taken in high dosages. I would highly recommend you take to your doctor before taking the herbal remedy papaya to help ease away your nausea and vomiting to see if it is safe for you to use as an alternative medicine. Other wise I believe papaya is a fairly safe and effective herbal remedy to use to help ease away nausea and vomiting.

Last but not least and another one of my favorite herbal remedies to help ease away nausea and vomiting is licorice root. Licorice root contains and active acid in it called glycyrrhizin, which helps treat bacterial and viral infections inside the stomach and intestines. It also helps coat, heal stomach ulcers, and is a very mild laxative for those who are suffering from constipation that is causing nausea and vomiting. Licorice root comes in the form of powders, supplements, teas, and candies. The best way to use licorice root to help ease nausea and vomiting is by simply taking it in the form off a tea. You would make licorice root tea the same way you would make the mint, red raspberry, ginger, and chamomile herbal teas, and you will drink and sip of it the same way until your nausea and vomiting are completely gone.

I hope all of this information helps those of you out there looking for herbal remedies to help ease away your nausea and vomiting. I know these herbal remedies have helped me and my loved ones feel better when we have suffered from nausea and vomiting due to being sick. I wish you all the best of luck at getting better soon.




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