6 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

These home remedies help get rid of darck circles under eyes

6 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes
Image Source - Pixabay
Dark circles around eyes are very common problem nowadays which can make you look tired and older than your real age. They are a poor reflection upon your dietary habits and sleeping hours. It becomes important to get rid of dark circles under eyes in order to keep eyes looking beautiful. Apart from taking healthy diet and adequate sleep, you can use several home remedies that help get rid of dark circles under eyes fast. To know about those home remedies scroll below.

Dark circles are the dark blemishes around your under eyes areas which are often caused by lack of sleep, improper diet, allergic reactions, certain medications, illness, ageing , working on computer for long time, etc. Although your diet and life style play a huge role in treatment of dark circles but you can definitely use some home remedies for removal of dark circles under eyes. 


1. Cucumber Help Get Rid of Dark Circles

Ingredients you will need

1 Cucumber


Cut cucumber into thin slices and keep these slices in refrigerator for ten minutes. Place these slices on your under-eyes areas and then sit and relax for 20 minutes. Wash off with water. In addition, you can grate a cucumber and squeeze the juice out of this and apply this juice around your eyes to get rid of dark circles. 

Why cucumber is so much helpful in removing dark circles? 

Cucumber is skin lightening agent which lightens dark circles and astringent properties of cucumber help in treating those panda eyes very effectively.

Rich in ascorbic acid and caffeic acid, cucumber reduces the water retention around eyes whereas cooling and soothing properties  of cucumber reduce swelling and puffiness instantly. Many anti-oxidants present in cucumber such as texin, orientin, cucurbitacin help in fading dark circles. 

How often should you use this home remedy to remove dark circles? 

Use this home remedy twice a day to see noticeable difference in dark circles within one week.

2. Use Potato to Remove Dark Circles and Puffiness of Eyes 

Ingredients you will need 

One potato 


Cut the potato into thin slices and keep these slices in refirgerator. Afterwards, keep these slices over dark circles for 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water. In additon you can apply freshly extracted potato juice on your dark circles to lighen them effectively. Remember to use only fresly sqeezed potato juice as potato juice becomes dark in no time due to oxidation. 

Why potato helps in removal of dark circles? 

Skin bleaching properties of potato lighten dark circles with regular usage and vitamin A present in potato makes your skin tight. And starch, vitamin C and enzymes help in nourishing the thin skin around eyes and assist in removal of dark circles. The component known as catecholase is found abundantly  in potato  that aids in fading dark circles very effectively. I have used potato juice myself and found it more powerful than cucumber juice in treatment of dark circles. 

How often should your use potato to get rid of dark circles? 

You can use potato on your dark circles daily to fade dark circles fast. 

3. Almond Oil and Coconut Oil Mixture for Curing Dark Circles and Eye Wrinkles

Ingredients you need

Sweet almond oil- one spoon

Extra virgin coconut oil - one spoon


Mix coconut oil and almond oil in equal measure and massage this mixture around your under-eyes areas for 5 minutes using  gentle stokes. Keep this mixture overnight  to let the skin soak up the natural goodness of both ingredients.

Why this home remedy helps in removing dark circles under eyes?

Vitamin K present in almond oil helps in treatment of blood clotting in body which in turn improves blood circulation, thereby reducing dark circles. Mono.unsaturated acids, vitamin E, retinol and palmitic acid found in almond oil nourish the delicate skin of under-eyes areas. And coconut oil is rich in moisture which prevents fine lines and wrinkles around eyes. Coconut oil promotes smooth and light skin and aids in curing dark circles under  eyes.

What should be the frequency of this home remedy?

Use this remedy every night to get rid of dark circles and eye-wrinkles.

4. Tomato Juice and Lemon Juice for Dark Circles

Ingredients you will need

One spoon of tomato juice

One spoon of lemon juice


Mix tomato juice and lemon juice in equal amount and dab on your under-eyes areas and leave it on for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with cold water.You can apply this mixture on your whole face to remove all sorts of facial blemishes.

Why this natural remedy helps in quick removal of dark circles under eyes?

Lemon juice is a natural skin bleaching agent which lightens all sorts of blemishes including dark circles. Vitamin C present in lemon juice helps in production of collagen that keeps your under-eyes area firm and free of wrinkles . And tomato is rich in lycopene, an anti-oxidant which fades pigmentation around eyes. Moreover, lycopene helps protect your skin from  environmental damages like exposure to sun rays.

How often should you use this recipe ?

Use this recipe every day for getting fast results.

5. Mint and Rose Water Mixture 

Ingredients you will need

20-25 mint leaves

4 spoons of rose water


Grind mint leaves with rose water in a mixture grinder and apply this mixture all over your under-eyes areas. Keep this mixture on for 20 minutes. Next, wash off with cold water.

Why mint leaves help in fading dark circles?

Mint leaves are rich in menthol which gives tingling and cooling sensation to your under-eyes area. As a result blood flow to under-eye area improves. It helps in fading dark circles fast naturally. And rose water rejuvenates your skin and makes it lighter too.

How often should you use this home remedy?

Use this recipe every day continuously for 7 days to see visible reduction in dark circles.

6. Aloe Vera for Dark Circles

Ingredients you will need

2 spoons of fresh aloe vera gel extracted from aloe plant


Apply pure aloe vera gel extracted from aloe plant, around your under eyes areas and keep this on for 30 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Why aloe vera gel helps in treating dark circles? 

Aloe vera has anti-pigmentation properties that fade blemishes. Aloe vera is rich in vitamin A, B, E and B12 and minerals such as zinc,amino acids, protein, calcium and magnesium. All these work together to diminish dark circles and puffy eyes that is why most  skin care creams or eyes creams are packed with the goodness of aloe vera. Although market is flooded with many aloe vera gels but freshly extracted gel from aloe plant gives best results

How often should you this dark circles removing home remedy?

Use this daily for removing ugly dark circles and puffiness around eyes.

By now you are conversant with best 6 home remedies to get rid of dark circles under eyes. Use these natural remedies right now and remove dark circles permanently.  But remember taking healthy diet, proper sleep and adequate water are very necessary to get rid of dark circles apart from using these home remedies.

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