11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Your Skin

11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Your Skin

11 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Your Skin
Image Source - https://www.lifestyletopia.net/blog/surprising-beauty-benefits-apple-cider-vinegar
From curing acne to lightening skin tone and facial blemishes, apple cider vinegar has multitudes of uses for skin. Let us learn in detail how your can use apple cider vinegar to benefit skin.

Raw apple cider vinegar is really beneficial in boosting your overall health and skin' condition. The main benefits of apple cider vinegar are attributed to the life giving force found in apple cider vinegar which is called mother. It can be found at the bottom of bottle which looks like scary spider web which is active and alive which is full of many beneficial bacteria and nutrients. This substance is responsible for all the benefits apple cider vinegar provide for our overall health and skin. Apple cider vinegar is boon for skin. Read this article to learn what benefits apple cider vinegar provide for your skin.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Skin

1) Apple cider vinegar whitens your skin

Apple cider vinegar is rich in glycol which fades dark patches and discoloration skin.

This is the substance which whitens and evens out your skin tone with regular usage. You can apply pure apple cider vinegar on your face to whiten your skin. You can mix apple cider vinegar with lemon juice and apply this mixture on your face to whiten your skin and get rid of all sorts of blemishes. In addition, apple cider vinegar and aloe vera gel mask gives excellent results in lightening your skin tone.

2) Apple cider vinegar removes dark spots and pigmentation marks

High amount of acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar  helps to fade dark pigmentation on skin. You can try a host of natural home remedies with apple cider vinegar to remove dark spots and pigmentation marks from your face.

Mix 2 spoons of potato juice with one spoon of apple cider vinegar and dab this preparation on your face for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. This remedy is best for removing dark spots and pigmentation marks. Apart from this, the amazing blend of 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar, one spoon of orange juice and one spoon of onion juice does wonders in driving away pigmentation marks and dark spots very effectively. Keep this apple cider vinegar mask on face overnight for best results.

3) Apple cider vinegar treats acne right away

 Apple cider vinegar is a magical home remedy to cure acne and pimples excellently. Just dab pure apple cider vinegar on pimple spots and cover this with a bandage and remove this bandage in the morning. Repeat this process continuously for 7 days and you will get rid of pimple in just 7 days. Acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar kills bacteria which cause acne and it maintains the PH balance of skin. Apple cider vinegar unclogs the blocked pores and lets  your skin breathe which prevents acne break outs. Moreover, apple cider vinegar reduces inflammations on skin and controls the sebum production on skin . As a result it controls the oil on surface and minimize the change of further  break out.

4) Apple cider vinegar for curing premature wrinkles and fine lines

Several minerals and vitamins present in apple cider vinegar rejuvenate  your skin and minimize fine lines and premature wrinkles. Make a facial mask with one spoon of onion juice, one spoon of honey and 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar and dab this mixture on face. 30 minutes later, wash off with cold water. Regular usage of this recipe will resurrect the bloom  of youth in your face and will reduce fine lines to a great extent. You can apple pure apple cider vinegar mixed with equal amount of rose water on your face to smoothen the crease of wrinkles. Another home remedy which you can use with apple cider vinegar is one spoon of honey, one spoon of cinnamon powder and 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar. Apple this mask on your face and neck. Let this mixture dry up for 20 minutes. Wash off after 30 minutes. This home remedy will reduce wrinkles and tell-tale signs of ageing on your face.

5) Apple cider vinegar face toner

Apple cider vinegar is a great toner for your skin. Just dab apple cider vinegar on your face after cleansing your face. It will help to shrink and tighten you pores and eliminate the extra oil on skin. You have to take 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 spoons of rose  water, 2 spoons of brewed green tea and 3 drops of lavender essential oil.  Dip a cotton pad in this solution and apply this mask all over your face and neck. Let this mask stay on face as a face toner. Malic acid present in apple cider vinegar drives away bacteria and infections. It restores the natural acidity of skin. Acidic mantle of skin ward off several infections from skin. This acidic mantle of your skin is disrupted by harmful facial cleansers we use to wash our face. Keep this toner in the fridge and use this after every time you wash your face.

6) Apple cider vinegar for removal of warts and tags

Treatment of skin tags is possible the natural way with topical use of apple cider vinegar. Just dab apple cider vinegar on the spot at night and cover this area with bandage and remove this bandage in the morning. Repeat this process daily before going to bedtime till wart falls automatically from skin. Moreover, application of apple cider vinegar is said to be effective in removing Xanthelasma.

7) Apple cider vinegar exfoliates your skin to make it glowing and healthy

Apple cider vinegar is rich in alpha hydroxy acids which remove the dead skin built up in skin and it helps in cell renewal process of skin. Mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 spoons of baking soda and apple this mixture on your face for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, rub gently for 5 minutes to remove the mask. Baking soda scrubs away impurities such as deep seated grime, make- up and dead skin cells from skin. Apple cider vinegar disinfects your skin and opens the blocked pores of skin by deep exfoliating it.

8) Apple cider vinegar for soothing sunburn

Apple cider vinegar is highly effective in treating and relaxing sun burnt skin. Just dip a cloth in apple cider vinegar  and place this cloth on your sunburn skin to soothe and relax it. You can dilute apple cider vinegar with water and apply this preparation on your tanned skin to heal it. Additionally, you can add one cup of apple cider vinegar to bath tub and soak up in this water for 15 minutes to get relief from burning sensation due to prolonged sun exposure

9) It can heal inflammation and redness on skin after shaving

Anti-bacterial properties of apple cider vinegar help in  calming inflammation and redness in skin after shaving your skin. Acetic acid will help to heal zits and small bumps which some men experience after shaving. So it is recommended to dab on apple cider vinegar on face for prevention of zits, bumps and redness on skin post shaving. Try this ! It helps!

10) Apple cider vinegar for beautiful hands

Dip your hands in apple cider vinegar for ten minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.In addition, you can add apple cider vinegar to your body lotion to enhance its efficiency in skin whitening and softening.

11) Apple cider vinegar for removing blackheads from nose and face

Mash 3 strawberries with 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar. Slather this mask on your face and keep this mask on face all affected areas overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water. This recipe eliminates blackheads naturally with regular usage.

By now you are aware of best 11 best benefits of apple vinegar for skin. What are you waiting for? Go buy a bottle of pure apple cider vinegar and get set to bid farewell to all your skin problems and flaunt a fair, glowing, acne-free and flawless kin naturally.

P.S: You should also know these side effects of apple cider vinegar before beginning to consume it. 

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