10 Simple Homemade Face Packs To Get Rid of Acne

Get Rid of Acne With These Easy Homemade Acne Face Packs

10 Simple Homemade Face Packs To Get Rid of Acne
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/acne-pores-skin-pimple-female-1606765/
Are you suffering from acne which is making a dent into your personality? Well, acne is the most common skin problem faced by people of all groups of men and women alike. But do not worry! You can prepare some homemade face packs for acne at home which are really effective in getting you rid of them naturally. Here we are presenting the recipes of 10 simple homemade face packs to get rid of acne. Let us learn the best easy and simple homemade face packs to get rid of acne.

10 Homemade Face Packs for Acne 

1. Mint paste for treatment of acne overnight  

Take few mint leaves and grind them with rose water to prepare a thick paste. Slather this thick paste on your acne and pimples. Keep this mixture on your skin overnight for best results. Make sure you apply thick mixture of mint paste on your acne and it will reduce acne overnight. Repeat this recipe continuously for 7 days and you will see dramatic reduction in your acne condition.  Mint leaves contain salicyclic acid which helps unclog pores and prevents acne.

Also rich in vitamin C, A and omega -3 fatty acids, mint leaves cure sunburn. Anti-oxidants rich mint helps to revitalize and nourish the skin. 

2. Cinnamon and honey face mask for healing acne and pimple 

Cinnamon is very effective in drying up acne. Cinnamon has anti-microbial properties that help to heal pimples fast. And healing properties of honey aid in reducing the size of pimple. Grind cinnamon pods to fine powder in a mixer grinder. Mix this powder with honey and apply on your face. Wash off with cold water after 20 minutes.  You should use raw honey for this remedy as this honey has medicinal properties. This face pack helps to treat ulcers, burns and bedsore too. 

3. Fuller's earth (multani mitti), clove, neem paste, rose water & camphor face pack for absorbing extra oil and curing acne

Take 2 spoons of fuller earth with half spoon of neem paste, a pinch of camphor and rose water. Apply this mixture on your face and neck. Let this mixture dry up completely and wash off with ice cold water. Fuller's earth controls extra oil production and neem is an anti-bacterial herb. Rose water is natural astringent and camphor has anti-inflammatory properties. All ingredients in unison help to get rid of acne fast. This face pack is also good for teenager girls. 

4. Turmeric, milk and honey face mask for acne control 

Take 2 spoons of turmeric with two spoons of milk and one spoon of honey and a pinch of camphor and apply this paste on acne affected skin and let it dry for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with ice cold water. Turmeric destroys the bacteria and maintains the PH balance of skin.Honey prevents the break-outs to reveal a clear, fresh and flawless complexion. Use this natural remedy thrice a week. 

5. Beetroot juice and corn flour for removing pimple and getting clear skin 

Mix 2 spoons of beetroot juice and one spoon of corn four and then apply this mix on your face affected with pimples and acne. Beetroot has anti-inflammatory properties that absorb the oiliness of skin as well as remove acne and acne scars.Corn flour controls the outbreak of pimples excellently.. 

6. Activated charcoal powder and aloe vera gel for quick removal of acne 

Mix 2 spoons of  fresh aloe vera gel and one spoon of activated charcoal powder and then smear this on your perfectly cleansed  face. Aloe vera is a skin healing agent which soothes acne very effectively and activated charcoal clears up pores to reduce sebum production. This face mask  is a boon to oily and acne -prone skin. Use this on alternate days. 

7. Grapeseed oil and aloe vera gel face mask to ged rid of acne 

Blend half tea spoon of aloe vera gel and 3 drops of grape seeds oil together and dab on the affected area.  Put a band-aid over this and leave this overnight. This home remedy helps to reduce the size of pimple overnight. Grapeseed oil tightens pores and diminishes scars and it boosts the cell renewal in skin.  Aloe vera has curative and calming properties which heal lesion fast. Use this home remedy continuously for 7 days to get rid of acne. 

8. Potato juice, cucumber juice & lemon juice mixture for removing acne and acne scars 

Mix equal measure of potato juice, cucumber juice and lemon juice together and dab on your whole face leaving it for 20 minutes. Wash off after 20 minutes. Potato kills acne-causing bacteria and cucumber has astringent properties whereas lemon's ascorbic acid reduces the break out of pimples.  This homemade facial mask lightens acne scars as well. 

9. Basil leaves, neem leaves, mint leaves and honey face mask for drying up acne fast  

Take half tea spoon of tulsi/powder and half spoon of neem powder and crush few leaves of mint. Then, mix one spoon of honey to prepare a paste of thick consistency. Apply this mask on your face and wash off when it is dry completely dry. Mint, basil and neem  all are anti-antibacterial herbs which heal acne very fast. You can try fresh leaves of these herbs too. 

10. Sandalwood and honey overnight treatment for acne 

Rub sandalwood stick to extract the pure sandalwood paste. Mix this with half spoon of honey and  apply this paste  on your skin. Use this recipe on face and leave it overnight and you will see reduction in acne overnight. Sandalwood is used in skin care since centuries and it has cooling and healing properties which heal and cure inflammation on skin very fast. And anti-microbial properties of honey kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce the swelling caused by pimple. This recipe is good for evening out your complexion. Regular usage of this home remedy lightens and brightens your skin naturally.

By now you are aware of the easy and simple 10 homemade face packs to get rid of acne fast. It is the time to try them on your acne-affected face and get rid of acne fast naturally. Use these home remedies and share your experience with us.

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