Human cloning is dangerous for mankind

Science has given birth to many marvels, and human cloning is one of them .The term human cloning is used for the process in which a genetic replica of a human being is generated artificially .In this process, cells of a human being are taken to create a human embryo, and the stem cells of that human embryo are harvested to produce as many as copies of a human being as we desire.

Science has given birth to many marvels, and human cloning is one of them .The term human cloning is used for the process in which a genetic replica of a human being is generated artificially .In this process, cells of a human being are taken to create a human embryo, and the stem cells of that human embryo are harvested to produce as many as copies of a human being as we desire.

The vanguards of human cloning, argue that cloned human beings can provide substitutes for many organs and tissues, found in a human body like brain, pancreas, the nervous system, bone marrow, etc. In the case when a person's any body part is completely collapsed, it can be transplanted with the body part of a cloned human.

It is pellucid that science has reached the firmament of advancement with the invention of human cloning, then why the world witnessed a truckload of brouhaha over its ethics? Why is it banned in many countries? As it uses human being as means to serve an end, human life is not a commodity, which will be rustled up and manipulated at the helm of a group of scientists, who can use it to their advantage and can jeopardize humankind by abusing its power. Nobody has a right to tamper with the god's creation .In every scientific experiment, danger of failure looms large, definitely, there are chances of producing dead and handicapped clones, therefore, ruining many lives .

If there are many identical copies of a person, then the personal identity of a person will be blurred. Everybody will be flabbergasted and appalled to find his or her facsimile in front of him or her .The champions of human cloning, promise that human clones can wriggle many people out of the lethal grasp of many deadly disease like Cancer, Lymphoma ,Diabetes, Alzheimer's and other diseases ,but whatever be it therapeutic use, it runs the risk of terminating mankind, and now the thought of making designer babies is on the mind of scientists ,in which they can manipulate a child's height ,his intelligence and even weed out his genetic disabilities ,it seems that with the advancement of technology, a bunch of scientists can decide fate of a human being.

 If human cloning is allowed, the world will have numerous artificial human beings roaming on the earth everywhere, therefore, begetting a catastrophe. Making clones of a human being is an affront to humanity, and the law of nature .Human cloning can help many people in ironing out several diseases, but anything which involves dehumanization can not be allowed.

Every invention comes along some merits as well as some demerits , human cloning may give a hope to many people for its therapeutic use, but at the cost of gobbling mankind. It can endanger the existence of life of human beings on the earth.


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