8 Best Home Remedies for Whiteheads on Face: Remove Whiteheads from Nose, Chin and Forehead

Home Remedies for Whiteheads on Face including Nose, Chin, Face & Forehead

8 Best Home Remedies for Whiteheads on Face: Remove Whiteheads from Nose, Chin and Forehead
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/girl-face-emotion-beauty-charm-2222688/
Whiteheads are small, white bumps on the face which are the mild form of acne and are difficult to remove. They could occur anywhere on face including nose, chin, lips or even forehead. If you are suffering from whiteheads on face, then this article is of great help for you. This article is presenting the 8 best home remedies for whiteheads to completely remove them from your nose, chin, forehead and any other affected area of your face at home at no great cost. Read on to know how to remove whiteheads from chin, nose & forehead.

8 Best Home Remedies for Whiteheads on Face, Nose, Chin & Forehead

Following home remedies can help you get rid of face whiteheads at home at no cost:

1. Baking Soda

Ingredients you will need:

2-3 spoons of baking soda



Mix some water with 2-3 spoons of baking soda and apply this mixture all over your face and neck. Let it dry for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off with lukewarm water to open up the pores.

Why baking soda works for removal of whiteheads on face? 

Baking soda is a natural anti-bacterial agent which exfoliates your skin gently. It sloughs away all the impurities that block your pores. Also it maintains the healthy PH balance of your skin and it further controls the extra oil and sebum production on skin. 

How frequently to apply baking soda for removing whiteheads on face?

You can try this recipe thrice a week to see reduction in whiteheads as well as acne. 


Lemon Juice

Ingredients you will need:

Juice of a lemon (freshly squeezed)

Rose water


Just dab the pure lemon juice all over your face and neck and then let it dries completely. Next, wash off with cold water. Regular application of lemon juice will dry up acne and whiteheads and it will reduce the secretion of excess oil. You can dilute the lemon juice using same amount of rose water to use it for whitehead treamtent

Why this home remedy works on whiteheads?

Lemon juice is rich in alpha hydroxy acid and astringent properties push the oil out of skin. And Vitamin C in lemon lightens the facial blemishes to promote a fresh and spotless skin.

What is the frequency of application of lemon juice?

Use this recipe daily to see the maximum results.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar 

Ingredients you will need:

2 spoons of apple cider vinegar

One cotton pad

8 Ounces of water


Mix 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar with water. Just dip a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and water solution and apply this diluted apple cider vinegar with the help of cotton all over your face including chin, nose, forehead and neck. Let this stay on face for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Why apple cider vinegar is so effective for treatment of whiteheads on face? 

Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature which dries up acne and absorbs the extra oiliness of skin. Apple cider vinegar is used for shrinking the enlarged pores. Rich in anti-microbial proprieties, it reduces the inflammation and acne break outs.

How many times should you use this home remedy?

You can use this recipe twice a day after your wash your face every day. 

4. Honey

Ingredients you will need:

2 spoons of honey


Heat up 2 spoons of honey in microwave and apply this warm and melted honey on affected face. Honey is sticky which stays in your skin and penetrates deep into your pores to unclog them.

Why honey acts as an excellent home remedy for whiteheads? 

Honey is a natural wound healer which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the swelling and redness caused by whiteheads and acne. Also honey is a natural moisturizer which prevents peeling and itchiness of skin therefore, it prevents skin irritations.

What should be frequency of this usage? 

Use honey daily on your face to keep it flawless and smooth. What is more, application of honey prevents development of acne and whiteheads.

5. Mint 

Ingredients you will need:

20-30 mint leaves

Some rose water


Grind mint leaves with rose water in mixer grinder and apply this thick paste on your whiteheads and leave it on overnight and wash off with cold water in the morning.

Why Mint helps in removal of whiteheads on face, nose and other parts?

Mint is rich in antibacterial properties which act as anti-acne element. Menthol rich mint has a cooling and soothing properties. Vitamin A present in mint leaves controls the extra oil production on face. Mint leaves kill the acne causing bacteria and further prevent it. It also tones up and purifies your skin.

How often should you use mint on whiteheads on your face including forehead and chin?

Try using mint paste on face every night. Leaving it overnight gives very quick and best results. I have tried this recipe myself and got amazing results in just 3 days.

6. Clay Mask


1-2 spoon of bentomite clay

1 spoon of honey


Mix honey with bentomite clay and mix some water to make it thick. Apply this paste of thick consistency on your face and neck. Wash off after some time.

Why this whiteheads home remedy works?

Bentonite clay is highly absorbent that adsorbs extra oil, grime dirt and impurities from the pores that result in complete removal of whiteheads.

How often should you use this remedy?

Use this recipe every day to see your face free of whiteheads. 

7. Turmeric and Honey Mask


1 spoon of honey

2 spoons of turmeric


Mix honey and turmeric together and apply this prepration on your face leaving it for 20 minutes. Then wash off with plain water. 

Why this whiteheads removal mask helps?

Anti-bacterial properties of turmeric help in clearing out whiteheads in just 15 days. But be careful while using this remedy because turmeric can stain your clothes.

How often should I use this mask? 

Do this every day to get optimal results.

8. Egg White Mask

Ingredients you will need:

One egg white


Take an egg and crack it open. Separate egg white from whole egg and whisk the egg white completely to make it fluffy. Apply this mask on all over your face,neck, chin, chin and forehead. Leave this on face for 20 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Why this home remedy work on whiteheads?

Egg white absorbs the extra oil from face and controls the serum production on skin. As a result it gets you rid of acne, pimple and whiteheads from your skin.

How often should you use this home remedy for whiteheads on face?

Use this recipe on alternate days for best results.

By now, you are aware of the 8 best home remedies for whiteheads on face. Incorporate these home remedies into your day to day beauty routine. Not only they will remove whiteheads, these natural remedies will make your skin more beautiful and bright. Use these natural remedies and share your experience with us.

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