How to Get Soft Beautiful Hands Using Home Remedies

How To Make Hands Soft And Beautiful?

If you have dry rough hands, worry no more. There are many home remedies for making hands soft, smooth and beautiful. Below we have listed some best home remedies for making your hands soft and beautiful. Follow these natural soft hands tips to get beautiful looking hands at home.
Image Credit - Pezibear, Pixabay

Home Remedies for Making Hands Soft and Beautiful

  1. Just as you use face packs for glowing skin, your hands also need peeling mask to become soft, smooth and silky. For this, you need to take few drops of lemon juice, few drops of honey and one spoon of salt. Whisk all ingredients well and rub on your hands. It will leave your hands feeling soft and smooth, like never before.
  2. In order to get soft hands, always apply hand cream after washing them. There are loads of creams available in the market specially formulated for hands. Choose the one which suits your needs. 
  3. Sleeping without applying moisturizer on your hands is a strict no-no.

    Always make it a point to apply moisturizer before you go to sleep. Regular application will result in soft hands over time. 

  4. Exfoliate your hands with lemon juice and sugar to get soft hands using home remedies. Rub sugar granules mixed with lemon juice on your hands. Rub till sugar granules melt completely. It is the best and very cheap treatment that will remove the dead skin cells and reveal the new skin cells underneath. This home remedy will give you fairer and softer hands naturally.
  5. Use pumice stone while taking shower. Take hot shower prior to using pumice stone. As hot shower will ensure the dry skin to loosen up that causes calluses. Using pumice stone on a regular basis will help to remove the calluses of your hands imparting very soft hands as well.
  6. Apply glycerin mixed with rose water to get soft and beautiful hands. Cucumber juice is very nice substitute for glycerin here.
    [Also Read: Glycerin Uses and Benefits for Skin]
  7. Mixture of honey and orange juice is very effective home remedy for softening your hands. Apply this mix on your rough hands for few minutes and then wash with water. You will feel soft hands instantly.
    [Also Read: Orange Juice Benefits for Skin and Face]
  8. Massage your hands with the mix of one cup of softened butter and one spoon of almond oil. Massage your hands with this mix and leave for some time to get soft hands at home. 
  9. Cocoa butter cream is excellent home remedy in making your hands irresistible to touch. You can make it at home also. Mix 4 spoons of cocoa butter and beeswax each in a container. Mix almond oil in this mixture when it melts and let the mixture solidify. Your cocoa hand cream is ready to use. Apply cocoa butter cream on the dry hands at bedtime daily to get super soft and moisturized hands.
  10. You can scrub sugar alone on your hands to make them soft, smooth and beautiful naturally. Wash off with water. Follow up with moisturizer at last.
    [Also Read: Sugar Benefits for Face and Skin]
  11. To get soft hands, you need to slather sun block on your hands also to shield them from harmful sunrays. 
  12. Do your hands a favour by wearing gloves while doing household chores like washing clothes, doing the dishes, gardening. You should smear cocoa butter on your hands before wearing the gloves. When cocoa butter comes in contact with the water, it makes your hands even softer after doing the task. You should use gardening gloves while doing gardening work.
  13. Always do regular massaging of your hands to make them soft. You can use almond oil or olive oil or coconut oil for massaging your hands at bedtime. It is guaranteed that regular use of this home remedy will make your hands soft and beautiful over time. 
  14. You can apply the face pack of curd and besan (gram flour) while taking shower. This face pack will ensure you fairer and softer hands naturally. You can also use milk cream as a substitute for curd.
    [Also Read: Curd Uses and Benefits for Skin]
  15. You can use glycerin mixed with lemon juice on your palms and hands to make them kissable. Try this home remedy for making hands soft. You can use the rind of lemon on your hands and elbow to cleanse the grimes deposited in your hands. It helps in easing out the marks of your hands also.
  16. Take 2 spoons of sugar and olive oil or baby oil. Scrub on your hands and wash off after some time to make super soft to touch.
  17. Take half cup of warm milk, 2 spoons of sugar, 2 spoons of lemon juice and few drops of lavender oil. Mix them well to make a solution. Soak up your dry rought hands in this solution for 5 minutes. Scrub and massage clean your hands with this solution. Wash off to get the soft hands you always craved for.
  18. You can try salt and lemon solution on your hands to make them soft. Use this solution to remove dead skin cells. Use this solution with an old tooth brush. Do this twice a week. This solution helps to remove discoloration of skin also.
  19. You can apply rich cream or Vaseline petroleum jelly at night and sleep with gloves on to get soft smooth hands.
  20. You can use beeswax mixed with olive oil on your hands. Wear gloves after application of this mixture. And see how your dry and parched skin of your hands becomes soft naturally.
  21. Onion juice is also very effective in making hands soft and beautiful. If you feel the bouts of wrinkles on your hands, then you should apply onion juice mixed with vinegar on your hands. You will see results in few days.
  22. If you hands get dry in winter, then you should use uncooked rolled oats on your hands to make them soft. Rub rolled oats on your hands and wash off with cold water. This home remedy will remove dry skin effectively to make your hands soft naturally. Follow up with moisturizer or hand cream.
  23. Washing dishes are very much responsible for making your hands rough. To prevent this roughness of hands, you can add almond oil in the water you wash dishes with. This will ensure the moisture to get locked in your skin thus ensuring hands stays soft and smooth. 
  24. Washing your hands with vinegar removes the cooking smell from your hands which lingers on after cooking. You can use water and soap after applying vinegar to remove the smell completely.
  25. If your hands got rough because of gardening, then rubbing salt with olive oil can make hands soft and beautiful. It is mandatory to wear cotton socks following this process.

Apart from using these tips, you can invest in a good quality body lotion to make your hands soft, beautiful and smooth.


I am a young woman who is extremely passionate about beauty and fitness. Writing is my love which is an inextricably inseparable part of my life. I like to write and make my readers conversant with homemade beauty tips to buzz up their beauty and confidence as well. I feel elated to share my ideas and help all you people become beautiful. I hope you enjoy reading my posts. Happy reading!

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