Obesity Weight Loss Plan: How To Treat Obesity & Lose Weight

Treat Obesity With This Weight Loss Plan

Millions of people are affected with obesity problem all over the world. Many think it is not possible to treat obesity and lose weight. But fortunately, it is possible for obese people to lose weight and end obesity permanently. Below we have shed some light on a weight loss plan for obesity that can help you treat your obesity problem once and for all.
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The reason for obesity is in taking more than required calories. The extra calories are not burnt and they get stored in our body as fat. Obesity treatment starts with the way to lose weight getting emotionally prepared to break bad habits. And that requires a strong will power.

So first we will focus on increasing Will Power to treat obesity and lose weight quickly by following simple meditation technique.

  1. Visualize yourself as a soul, separate from the body sitting between the eyebrows.
  2. Visualize if you are in front of God who is also a sparkling star, a soul like you with unlimited power.
  3. Rays of Power are coming from God to you, the soul. You are absorbing the rays as a sponge.
  4. Your Will Power is increasing..
  5. You feel if you are united with the ocean of power. Your self control have increased.
  6. Your determination to lose weight is increasing.
  7. Now feel if you are becoming light in weight.

    Feel if you are flying.

  8. Try to stay with this thought for a while.

Do this meditation daily for 5 to 10 minutes early in the morning. This will definitely increase your will power to lose weight and increase your chances of treating obesity.

The second step in obesity treatment is to change your daily routine habits. In it also there are two steps. First is to take less intake of fat. And second is to burn the extra calories that are essential to treat obesity and do quick weight loss.

We will first try controlling our eating habits. Following are the basic changes that are a must if you want to lose weight permanently.

  1. Intake water as much as you can. Immediately after waking up in the morning drink 4 glasses of water. Start with one and gradually increase. In a day you should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water. This is the first step to reduce belly fat
  2. Avoid junk food and oily food if you really want to lose obesity. Prefer bread instead of burger and chapatti instead of parantha.
  3. Less intake of salt also helps in fighting obesity.
  4. Include raw fruits and vegetables (such as salads) in breakfast and lunch.
  5. In snacks try to eat low fat fruits (apple, pear, orange) instead of junk fruits and biscuits. Biscuits have very large intake of fat. Instead of biscuits you can have rusk.
  6. Drink low fat milk.
  7. Avoid  intake of sweets and sugar. Avoiding sugar and oil helps a lot for losing weight for obese people.
  8. Strictly avoid alcohol and soft drinks. They are very big source of extra calories and must be avoided if you want to lose weight.
  9. Avoid emotional eating. Before eating anything always ask yourself for the reason. It will help you a lot in treating obesity in right direction.

Next step is to burn the extra calories that have already made room in your body. Here are some necessary steps that must be included in your routine if you want to treat obesity naturally. 

If you want to lose your obesity permanently than you have to adopt the above habits permanently. There is no shortcut to treating obesity except the above given obesity weight loss plan. Once you adopt healthy habits and pay a little attention to your overall fitness, you can treat obesity and finish it once and for all.

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I am a working woman and writes for expertscolumn.

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