Homemade Moisturizing Vitamin E Honey Facial Mask

Homemade Moisturizing Vitamin E Honey Facial Mask

One of my favorite homemade moisturizing facial masks to make to help keep my skin looking young, bright, and healthy is my vitamin E honey-moisturizing mask. It contains natural moisturizers, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that help reduce the appearance of aging so your skin can stay looking young and beautiful.

One of my favorite homemade moisturizing facial masks to make to help keep my skin looking young, bright, and healthy is my vitamin E honey-moisturizing mask. It contains natural moisturizers, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that help reduce the appearance of aging so your skin can stay looking young and beautiful.

The ingredients I use to make my homemade moisturizing facial mask are 2 tablespoons of Made on Earth Vitamin E Cream and 1 tablespoon of honey. The Made on Earth Vitamin E cream contains aloe, vitamins, herbs, antioxidants, sunflower oils, seed oils, and fruit extracts, and these ingredients help provide your skin with natural moisturizers. You can usually find these ingredients at your local grocery store, or even health food store.

The materials you will need to make my homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask are one small cup, measuring spoon, and a small mixing spoon. You will use these materials to measure out the ingredients and mix them together. You should have these materials in your kitchen.

Now the way you make my homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask is by measuring out the 2 tablespoons of vitamin E cream and placing it into your small bowl.

Than you will measure out your 1 tablespoon of honey and place that in your small bowl as well. Next, all you do is simply combine the ingredients together to for a pale yellow creamy homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask that will smell very sweet. 

The way I like to apply my homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask is by first rinsing my face off with tons of warm water to help open up my pores and remove any dirt and makeup from my face and skin. Than I take a couple tablespoons and lather it onto my face in thick even layers being very careful of my eyes, nose, and mouth. Next I simply allow the mask to stay on my face for around 10 minutes, but if you have more time you can leave it on longer. You will notice when the mask is on your face that it is really soothing and nourishing to the skin. Once I am done using the mask I simply rinse it off with more warm water, pat my face dry, apply a small amount of vitamin E cream to my face to keep it very soft and protected from harsh environmental factors. You can use this mask as much as you want to, but if you have oily skin, I would only use it once a week.

Anyways, after a few weeks of using this homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask you should notice your skin is looking younger, brighter, and healthier. I hope those of you who make and try my homemade moisturizing vitamin E honey mask will like the results you get from using it. I wish you all the best of luck with getting your skin to look younger, softer, and healthier.





Elise Marie

Elise Marie is a writer at Expertscolumn.com.

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