7 Ways to Tackling Belly Fat the Natural Way

Get Rid Of Belly Fat - The Natural Way

Looking for a quick way to beat belly fat, without having to hit the gym? Look no further! We have just the tips you need to go from flab to simply fab!
Image Credit - https://pixabay.com/en/belly-body-clothes-diet-female-2473/

When you're obese, the last thing that should bother you is your appearance. At a time like this, you should give more importance to your health which is highly compromised now. After all, being well past your optimum weight limit means laying yourself bare to ailments like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, kidney disease and fatty liver disease. It is, therefore, necessary for you to take a good look at yourself and decide to shed all that extra weight that's piling up in different parts of your body and acting against you.

If you're keen to lose weight naturally, here are seven ways by which you can get rid of unnecessary belly fat:

1. Stay hydrated: For anyone serious about losing weight, drinking water is the first step and perhaps the most effective. Not only does it suppress your appetite but also helps metabolize and break down any accumulated fat by aiding the kidney in flushing out toxins.

So, ensure that you drink at least two litres of water each day. For better taste, you can also add a lemon wedge to your water. This will also help to detox your liver and cleanse it and so speed up the weight loss process.

2. Drink green tea: Green tea is a powerful fat burner, so you could easily lose about 80 calories per day. Matcha green tea, especially contains very strong antioxidants that expedite the body's metabolism and burn excess fat for strength. It is beneficial to drink about five cups of this tea per day to experience weight loss.

3. Put healthy food in your mouth: It's time to take stock of what you're eating. If your diet consists of a lot of processed foods, replace them with fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy, whole grains, eggs, nuts, seafood, legumes and meat. Eliminate junk food from your daily diet and replace it with whole and unprocessed foods. Include high-fibre food in your diet that will keep you satiated for longer by processing the food slowly. This will help you eat less and you will lose weight. Studies suggest that the more veggies and fruits you consume, the closer you will get to your weight loss goal.

4. Sleep enough: Lack of sleep causes you to crave for fatty foods and sugar. It increases the hormone cortisol in your body that makes you insulin-insensitive. This makes you lose your ability to sleep well.

5. Quit drinking: Alcohol is laden with calories, though you might not feel full even after a couple of heavenly pegs. This encourages you to drink more, called binge drinking. In this form of drinking, you drink so much that fat collects around the waist. A good way of losing weight naturally is to stop drinking in large measures.

Do away with alcohol, and instead consume healthy juices of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, beet, cucumber, kiwi, apple etc. These help in aiding weight loss. You may also consider trying apple cider vinegar for weight loss on an empty stomach to lose weight quickly without any side effects.

6. Be completely stress-free: Few people realize that there is a definite link between weight gain and stress. When one is under stress, the adrenal glands release adrenaline and cortisol. This is then stored as fat. Additionally, stress causes one's metabolism to slow down. The hormone Leptin, stops functioning normally and does not inform the body that it isn't hungry anymore. Therefore, one continues to eat.

To get over stress, you can do yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, meditation, massage therapy, Tai Chi or go for a long walk. Not only will you lose weight, but you will also be at peace.

7. Get onto the Fasting Diet: According to this diet, you need to fast a couple of times per week.  On these days, eat only fruits, veggies, legumes and seeds. Fasting will help you lose weight, cleanse your stomach and shed pounds too. On this diet, you should also drink fresh fruit juices, low fat milk, water and avoid eating rice and meat.

If weight loss is your goal, pick yourself up now and get started on these seven tips today. Within no time, you can flaunt a bod that you yourself will be impressed with!


maanasi is a writer at Expertscolumn.com.

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