10 beauty benefits of gram flour: How to use gram flour in your beauty applications, beauty uses of besan

10 Benefits Of Gram Flour For Skin And Its Uses

 Nothing is more attractive than a beautiful skin that radiates in all its good health. For getting beautiful skin women spend fortunes on cosmetic products, which ruin their skin texture over time. So I urge all women to go natural to save your precious cash and your delicate skin too. You have a powerful beauty enhancing ingredient in your kitchen cupboard that is gram flour (besan). Gram flour (besan) is a big storehouse of skin-beautifying qualities. If used regularly, you can achieve glowing and fair skin naturally without using loads of make-up.

You can rustle up some amazing face mask using besan at home. Let us know in detail how to use gram flour in your beauty applications. All beauty uses of gram flour ensure that you get soft and glowing skin naturally. This article is unraveling the top 10 beauty benefits of gram flour or besan.

1. Gram flour whitens and softens the skin

Gram flour is used for lightening the skin tone since ages. You can mix gram flour with either raw milk or curd to apply on your face. You can add the juice of lemon juice too in this mask. On continuous use, you skin becomes fair, smooth and flawless. Curd-besan or milk- besan is the most common face pack applied by women of all ages. Gram flour’s cleansing properties rid the skin of impurities and dirt, leaving your skin squeaky clean and fresh. You can use this natural face mask on your whole body to experience a soft and fair skin all over. Use this face mask daily and step out without make-up to show your smooth and more radiant skin to the world!

2. Gram flour controls the surface oiliness of face

 Blend 4 spoons of gram flour with one spoon of rose water and 2 spoons of mauka honey. Spread this mix all over your face and neck. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes before rinsing if off with cold water. But if you are time-starved, then you can use this face pack as your regular face wash to cleanse your skin every time you wash your face. You can get oil-free complexion within short span of time

3. Besan(Gram flour) treats dry and flaky skin

Besan when mixed with milk cream (malai) does wonder for replenishing moisture into your moisture-starved skin. This face mask deeps nourishes your skin for a softer and glowing complexion. If you are experiencing flaky and parched skin, then you can add few drops of olive oil or almond oil in this mix to give your skin much-needed hydration.

4. Besan helps to treat acne and acne marks

If besan is applied with sandal wood paste, then your acne will heal up quickly. You can mix lemon juice also in this mix to fade your unwanted acne scars fast.

5. Besan(Gram flour) can be used to remove tan
Add a pinch of turmeric to curd and besan mix; apply on your face and neck daily. This homemade face pack makes your skin supple and smooth. Additionally, it works to remove suntan.

6. Besan reduces the body hair

Apply (gram flour) Besan and water on your whole body to reduce the hair growth. That is why gram flour is used on small babies’ body too to reduce their body hair.

7. Gram flour is a great exfoliating scrub

Scrubbing is an essential part of our daily skin care routine to lift away dead skin cells and dullness to reveal your fresh skin on the outside. Gram flour can be an excellent exfoliating scrub for you. Mix gram flour with rice powder, almond powder, turmeric, and curd; scrub off gently to remove dead cells. This mix is the best exfoliating scrub on the earth, which is very easy to use. This scrubs works well if sesame oil is applied prior to this application.

8. (Gram flour)Besan is used for tightening the sagging skin

Beat an egg and discard egg yolk. Whip this egg white with a fork and mix it with 2 spoons of besan. Allow this mask to soak into your skin for 30 minutes. This face mask tightens the sagging skin and makes the skin firm, which radiates with a youthful charm.

9. (Gram flour) Besan makes face spot-less and flawless

Soak up 5-6 almonds in milk overnight and grind them thoroughly. Then add besan and lemon juice to them. Apply this face mask on your face daily. This face pack fades all types of blemishes like dark spots, acne marks and age spots. Moreover, this homemade face mask is very effective for lightening your skin tone.

10. Besan fights hair fall

Besan and curd mix is a boon to your hair. You can use this mix on your hair to cleanse your hair. What is more, if used regularly, you will see a significant reduction in hair loss.

By now you know the amazing 10 beauty benefits of gram flour. All beauty uses of gram flour (besan) are effective and easy on your pocket. When you know how to use gram flour in your beauty applications, and then do not wait anymore, dear! Incorporate these beauty tips into your beauty routine and you will surely dare to bare your spot-less and glowing complexion to the whole world.

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I am a young woman who is extremely passionate about beauty and fitness. Writing is my love which is an inextricably inseparable part of my life. I like to write and make my readers conversant with homemade beauty tips to buzz up their beauty and confidence as well. I feel elated to share my ideas and help all you people become beautiful. I hope you enjoy reading my posts. Happy reading!

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